What We Do

Our Goal

The overlying goal of the IOE is to promote excellence within organizations by encouraging research and continuing education. We seek to achieve our mission through the following: providing valuable tools for organizational improvement; delivering effective and reliable methods for the assessment of employee perceptions; maintaining useful benchmark data for measuring performance; and fostering an organization’s responsiveness to change, ability to learn, and potential for success.

The IOE Integrates the best of real world application and research-based practices to ensure high confidence in the information provided. We deliver contemporary approaches through the utilization of the latest technologies to create solutions and professional reporting. We are proud of our reputation of integrity, objectivity, and subject area expertise.

The Survey of Employee Engagement assists leadership, informs organizational development, and supplies insights for strategic planning. The data provide information not only about employees' perceptions of their organization's effectiveness, but also about their satisfaction with employers.

Organizations that utilize data from customer interactions are quick to respond to change environments and eager to improve services and products. Customer engagement tools are completely customizable and offer multiple benefits.

The IOE provides 360-degree and leadership style assessments that focus on clarifying the areas of strength and areas of growth from one's direct reports, peers, and supervisors.

The IOE is happy to work with your organization on developing, administering, analyzing and reporting a custom project. This includes questionnaire design, sampling, data collection and statistical analysis.