The Department of Asian Studies at the University of Texas at Austin offers a comprehensive program of study in the Sanskrit language, including a major, a minor, and graduate degrees. Sanskrit is an ancient language of India (as well as wider South and Southeast Asia) with texts dating from as early to the second millennium BCE to the present. The corpus of Sanskrit is vast and remains a foundational resource for the study of history, culture, religion, literature, law, philosophy, art, politics, economy, and many other topics in the region.
UT-Austin is home to a vibrant group of faculty and students who pursue advanced research, host major conferences, and conduct workshops on a range of subjects related to Sanskrit and classical India. The South Asia Institute supports all these programs, activities, and events. On this site, you can explore our courses and degrees, and learn about upcoming and ongoing events, such the Rāmāyaṇa Colloquium. We also host an extensive Resource Library of Dharmaśāstra that provides a central location for electronic texts, scanned printed editions, and bibliographic tools for the study of this expert tradition of Hindu law and religion.