Gender and Development Reading List
Peet, Richard and Elaine Hartwick. 2009. “Feminist Theories of Development.” In Theories of Development: Contentions, Arguments, Alternatives. New York: Guilford, pp. 240-274.
Kabeer, Naila. 2015. “Gender, Poverty, and Inequality: a Brief History of Feminist Contributions in the Field of International Development.” Gender & Development 23(2): 189-205.
Grasmuck, Sherri and Rosario Espinal. 2000. “Market Success or Female Autonomy? Income, Ideology, and Empowerment among Microentrepreneurs in the Dominican Republic.” Gender and Society 14 (2): 231-255.
Strier, Roni. “Women, Poverty, and the Microenterprise: Context and Discourse.” Gender, Work and Organization 17 (2): 195-218.
Johnson, Susan. 2000. “Gender impact assessment in microfinance and microenterprise: why and how.” Development in Practice 10 (1): 89-93.
Buckingham, Susan and Rakibe Kulcur. 2009. “Gendered Geographies of Environmental Injustice.” Antipode 41(4): 659–683.
Letherby, Gayle. 2010. Feminist Research in Theory and Practice. New York: Open University Press, pp. 80-98.
Gururani, Shubhra. 2002. “Construction of Third World Women’s Knowledge in the Development Discourse.” International Social Science Journal 54(173): 313-323.
Ortiz Escalante, Sara and Blanca Gutiérrez Valdivia. 2015. “Planning fromBelow: Using Feminist Participatory Methods to Increase Women’sParticipation in Urban Planning.” Gender & Development 23(1): 113-126.