Planning and Neoliberal Urban Governance Reading List
Sletto, Bjorn (ed.). 2014. “Protests with Proposals: Teaching and Learning Activist Planning in the Dominican Republic.” Planning Theory and Practice 15(4): 565–588.
Sletto, Bjorn and Anja Nygren. N.d. “Unsettling Neoliberal Rationalities: Engaged Ethnography and the Meanings of Responsibility in the Dominican Republic and Mexico.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research; forthcoming.
Itzigsohn, Jose. 2000. Developing Poverty: the State, Labor Market Deregulation, and the Informal Economy in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, Chapter 2.
de Souza, Marcelo Lopes. 2006. “Social Movements as ‘Critical Urban Planning’ Agents.” City 10 (3): 327-342.
Navarro, Andrés and Ayacx Mercedes. 1996. “Organizaciones barriales, mejoramiento urbano y desarrollo de la ciudad.” In Antología Urbana de la Ciudad Alternativa, pp. 57-67. Santo Domingo: Ciudad Alternativa.