Our Mission
The Texas Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health Research brings together a diverse group of interdisciplinary scholars across UT’s colleges and schools whose research and practice examine and address sexual and gender minority health. Our mission is to support and conduct high-quality research, disseminate evidence-based information, and train future professionals. Our work spans several areas of inquiry with a life course frame to better understand how factors from early life through older adulthood impact sexual and gender minority health. We prioritize transdisciplinary scholarship with specific attention to integrating public health, social science, and humanistic approaches to the study of sexual and gender minority health and are committed to engaging sexual and gender minority communities in our work.
Pushing boundaries by exploring the margins.
We believe that good health should be accessible to everyone and see evidence-based and research-informed policy as essential to that vision. To that end, we are accepting funding requests of up to $15,000 for projects that will grow SGM health research at UT Austin and throughout Texas, while fostering collaborative work across disciplines.