The Texas Institute of Sexual and Gender Minority Health Research
2023 – 2024 Faculty Research Pilot Program
Our pilot studies program is focused on growing sexual and gender minority health research at UT Austin and throughout Texas. We are dedicated to fostering collaborative work across disciplines. We will make awards to teams of researchers from different academic units on campus. There are two categories:
1. Formative Research/Secondary Data Analysis: $5,000 – $10,000
2. Pilot Studies: $10,000 – $15,000
Teams may also apply for funding outside of these ranges with appropriate justification and availability of funds.
1. All proposals must be co-led by two primary investigators from different academic units (e.g., schools/colleges/department). Preference will be given to cross-school/college collaborations.
2. All applicants must be faculty affiliates of the center. This includes a courtesy appointment with the Department of Population Health. (You can apply at when submitting your application for funding).
3. Projects must focus on sexual and gender minority health.
4. Data collected must be used for a future extramural research proposal. A link to the funding call must be included aspart of the application.
Application requirements:
A. Proposal that includes the following (3-page maximum):
– Project title
– Specific Aims, Significance/Background, Innovation, and Approach of Research Strategy.
– Plan for extramural grant proposal, including target date and funding mechanism.
– Dissemination Plan (both academic and non-academic dissemination is encouraged).
– Description of community engagement activities that supported your proposal and/or plan to engage community, if any.
– References (does not count towards 3-page max)
– Proposals should follow NIH formatting specifications of 0.5” margins, Arial, 11-point font, single spaced.
B. A budget explaining how the funds will be used. Funds cannot be spent on investigator(s) salary support, travel or faculty consultancy fees. Research Staff support (e.g., GRA, Coordinator, etc.) is permissible (include fringe, no indirect costs). Funds may also be used for community engagement activities associated with the proposed research.
C. A NIH biosketch, other biosketch, or CV.
If funded. You agree to the following:
- Attend at least four 2024 – 2025 LGBTQ+ Health Seminars hosted by The Institute each month.
- Deliver an LGBTQ+ Health Seminar about findings from your project in Spring or Summer 2025.
- Acknowledge Texas Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health Research as the funding agency on any publication that results from your proposed project.
- Any grant proposals produced from your project will use The Institute for pre- and post-award support.
Trainee Research Grant Program
Our pilot studies program is focused on growing sexual and gender minority health research at UT Austin and throughout Texas. The Texas Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health Research is dedicated to supporting the next generation of sexual and gender minority health scholars. As such, we will support masters, doctoral, third year medical students, postdoctoral trainees, and resident physicians who are conducting sexual and gender minority health research. There are three levels of funding:
1. Master’s students may request up to $500.
2. Ph.D. Student/Third-year medical students may request up to $1,000.
3. Postdoctoral trainees and resident physicians may request up to $2,500.
1. Graduate students and trainees must be students at UT Austin. Students and trainees must be affiliates of The Texas Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health Research. You may apply for affiliate status when you submit your proposal. As an affiliate you agree to the following:
– Attend at least six LGBTQ+ Health Seminar Series form the time you receive funding. These are held monthly.
– Provide a 10/15-minute presentation about your work with other awardees at the Nov. or Dec. 2024
seminar (to be determined). A work in progress presentation is acceptable.
Application requirements:
A. Proposal that includes the following (2-page maximum):
– Project title
– Specific Aims, Significance/Background, Innovation, and Approach of Research Strategy (1-page max).
– Dissemination Plan (both academic and non-academic dissemination is encouraged).
– Timeline of study activities.
– Description of how the community was engaged in the development of this proposal and/or a plan to engage community in the project, if applicable.
– References (does not count towards 2-page max)
– Proposals should follow NIH formatting specifications of 0.5” margins, Arial, 11-point font, single spaced.
B. A budget explaining how the funds will be used. Funds cannot be spent on investigator(s) salary support or travel or faculty consultancy fees. Research Staff support (e.g., GRA, Coordinator, etc.) is permissible (include fringe, no indirect costs). Please provide a detailed budget and justification (1-page max).
C. A NIH biosketch, other biosketch, or CV.
D. Letter of support. Confirming that the research project is approved by your mentor/committee and is being conducted in Spring/Summer/Fall 2024.
If funded. You agree to acknowledge The Texas Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health Research as the funding agency on any publication from your proposed project.