Founded in 2023, the Texas Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health Research (the Institute) brings together a diverse group of investigators across UT Austin whose research and practice examine and address sexual and gender minority (SGM) health. Lead by co-directors Dr. Stephen Russell and Dr. Aliza Norwood, the TISGMHR has members from multiple different academic and research backgrounds, including:
- Office of the VPR
- Dell Medical School
- College of Natural Sciences
- College of Liberal Arts
- Moody College of Communication
- College of Pharmacy
- Steve Hicks School of Social Work
- College of Education
The TISGMHR aims to support and conduct high-quality research, disseminate evidence-based information, and train future professionals. Our focus spans several areas of inquiry with an emphasis on life-course to better understand how factors from early childhood through older adulthood impact these diverse communities. We prioritize transdisciplinary scholarship with specific attention to integrating public health, social science, and humanistic approaches to the study of SGM health and are committed to engaging SGM communities in our work.