Spring 2023
ECE382M-25: Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits
The objectives of the RFIC course encompass a comprehensive exploration of modern wireless communication systems. Students will delve into fundamental concepts in wireless communication, gaining an understanding of performance specifications and common architectures for radio-frequency transceivers. Additionally, they will study the intricate transistor-level circuit designs within the modern CMOS process, covering components like low noise amplifiers, mixers, VCOs, and power amplifiers. The course also covers passive components implemented in CMOS processes, including inductors, capacitors, transformers, and transmission lines. Practical skills will be honed by learning to use Keysight Advanced Design System (ADS), a widely utilized circuit and system design simulation software. To apply their knowledge, students will complete a simulation-based RF integrated circuit design project, putting their theoretical understanding into practical use.
Spring 2024
ECE382M-25: Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits
Fall 2024
ECE411: Circuit Theory
This course provides a systematic, in-depth treatment of the design and analysis of (mostly) linear electric circuits and their associated circuit components. Topics covered will include the following: capacitance and inductance; RC, RL, and RLC circuits; operational amplifiers and op-amp circuits; sinusoidal steady-state analysis and phasors; an introduction to solid-state electronic devices; frequency response and Bode plots; passive and active filter circuits; frequency-domain analysis; Laplace transforms and applications to circuit analysis; Fourier series and transforms; two-port networks. Laboratory exercises are a key component of the course.