Injury is “hurt, damage or loss,” Tiger Woods did not break or dislocate the bones in his back. Changes in the discs and bones are expected with age. Variations in the spine are age-related. Nonspecific back pain is extremely common and associated with structural problems.
Does golf (or any activity) create changes in the spine?
The best evidence suggests that changes are related to genes and aging and are not clearly related to activity.
Is back surgery necessary?
Back surgery is rarely necessary. People choose surgery to try to feel better. But only if it fits their values and preferences.
Does back surgery help people?
Back surgery is unpredictable. Repeated back surgery has a poor track record.
There are lots of older golfers still on tour. How do they do it?
It may be partly the luck of the draw in getting genes for a body that stays healthy longer. But evidence suggests that adaptation and resiliency may be just as important. Healthy exercise and eating, and attention to healthy thoughts and emotions can go a long way.