Antigua: Ancient, not Antiquated

Antigua is where we spent the most time during the 2022 Maymester program.  Naturally, it is the location that felt the most familiar to me.  Based out of Casa Herrera, the nearby streets became recognizable.  We would walk the same route almost every day from our homestay, which was about 15 minutes long.  There would always be something new to see, yet the cobblestone streets, narrow sidewalks, and low-hanging balconies made it important to keep your eyes directed forwards.  The Spanish-style architecture, thriving plants, and looming volcanoes never failed to capture my attention.  Meanwhile, locals would address you to purchase their handmade goods, to which “no gracias” became a common phrase.  Another daily saying was “buen provecho”, stated during every meal by Doña Carolina, while serving our group of 8 local cuisines.  The dishes varied, but corn was a constant, with fresh tortillas always available.  Don Edgar would often join us at the table for friendly conversation, which took place in Spanish since the first day.  The levels of fluency fluctuated in the household, yet we never failed to find ways of communication.  This served as a method of learning from the local family and a form of bonding with other students in the home.  We relied upon our homestay family for 3 meals a day, 6 days a week, and the hospitality they provided helped us feel comfortable in a place, unlike our homes.  While I missed the daily luxuries of home while away, this unique experience bonded the group, especially those sharing living spaces.  My hope is the comradery that grew from a diverse collection of people will persist beyond returning to the lives we know.