Casa Ko’jom local coffee tour!

As an avid coffee drinker, I was more than excited to visit a coffee plantation. I didn’t really know what to expect but I soon found myself well-informed on the specifics of how it’s grown, harvested, and processed. Our walk through the fields and grinding station was fascinating. However, I must say I was most intrigued to discover my own lack of decorum when consuming coffee.

Apparently, the proper way to enjoy coffee starts by smelling it. Followed by a preliminary sip meant as a pallet cleanser of sorts. The three subsequent sips consist of placing the liquid in different parts of the mouth in order to fully appreciate the complexity of flavors. Despite my initial hesitation at the suggested method, I felt like I really did taste the coffee more “completely” once we tried some back inside the cafe giftshop.

One other thing I found myself drawn to was the coffee jam at Casa Ko’jom. I’d never considered the idea before but their execution of it was flawless!


-Varisha Masroor

Walking Tour of Antigua

Today we went to explore the city of Antigua and establish reference points along the way. As someone with zero navigational skills, this was by far the most stressful day up to this point. The architecture is absolutely beautiful however I will admit from a directional standpoint after a while all the colorful houses and cobblestone streets tend to look the same.

The major landmarks that I use to orient myself are the most obvious and impossible to miss. For all those thinking of going to Antgiua, I suggest paying attention to central park and at least one connecting store in each direction. For me, this ended up being Wendys to the North, and a tented bazaar to the south.

Another great place to be on the lookout for is the Antigua Guatemala Cathedral, it’s pretty hard to miss and close to our central location at Casa Herrera. Just in case you do get lost though, I recommend taking some time to enjoy your surroundings!





-Varisha Masroor