Eating Maize and Going Geocaching in lesser-seen Antigua

On Sunday, May 19th, about half of us had lunch at “El Comalote,” a maize-based restaurant, in the lesser seen, eastern end of Antigua. The restaurant came highly recommended by Mily after I had shared that there was a “geocache” hidden near there (more on what a “geocache” is in a bit). “El Comalote” offers various meals, with a specialty in meals prepared with maize. While some of us had ordered tortillas with beef and chorizo, and others had ordered Hilachas, some of us ordered some tortillas with chicken. I had ordered the latter, and I was not disappointed. My chicken tortillas came with one red, one blue, and one green (made from mixing cilantro with the masa) tortilla and pickled red onion, as well as some guacamole on the side. While having lunch, each of us enjoyed friendly conversations with one another about various topics, including our research, interests, and more about ourselves. It was at this point in the trip when it felt like we were growing to understand one another and our dynamics before leaving for Lago Atitlán the next day.Eating at El Comalote in Antigua, GuatemalaUs eating lunch at “El Comalote.” (Photo taken by staff at El Comalote).

So, what brought us to El Comalote besides it being a fantastic place to have lunch?  As mentioned previously, a “geocache” had after I shared with Mily about the geocache located near it. You may be asking, “What is a geocache” anyway? A geocache is part of a worldwide scavenger hunt using GPS that takes you to a given location where you have to find something. Sometimes a geocache is physically placed at a location that you have to find. Other times a geocache takes you to a location and to claim that you “found it,” you have to either take photos or answer some questions at that specific location. Either way, geocaching (the name of the activity of finding a geocache) tends to take you to some places that you might have not known about (even within your hometown).

Before our visit to El Comalote, I gave a short presentation on what finding a geocache entails at Casa Herrera. I was appreciative of everyone’s engagement during the presentation, as I got some great questions about how the hobby of geocaching works. After my presentation, we made our way to El Comalote to have lunch. Before having lunch at El Comalote, however, we made a short visit to Santo Domingo because Dr. Runggaldier wanted to share with us about its convent and museum collections.

"What is Geocaching?" PresentationMe giving a presentation on “What is Geocaching?” (Photo taken by Dr. Astrid Runggaldier).

After finishing lunch at El Comalote, I pointed us in the general direction of where the geocache may be located along the wall of El Comalote. Everyone was giddy and excited to find the geocache after my presentation. Julia, our TA, had found it first, followed by a few others. Once Yves revealed the location of where the geocache was hidden, I retrieved it so that we could all sign its log to claim credit that we had found it. As it started to rain, we all took cover underneath the small awning located in front of the maize restaurant and signed the geocache’s log in a still functioning payphone booth. All in all, this experience was rather magical because it reminded me of why I like to introduce geocaching to people: to bring them a sense of adventure and joy to the lesser-seen places that you might not have gotten the opportunity to see or learn about without geocaching.

Approximately where the geocache at El Comalote is locatedPhoto of approximately where the geocache is located near El Comalote. (Photo taken by Julia Cohen).

Partial Group Photo of Us Geocaching near El ComaloteSome of us signing the log under the cover of a functioning payphone (from left to right: Ainsley, Yves, Martin, Hudson and I). (Photo taken by Dr. Astrid Runggaldier).

Group Photo of (almost) All of Us Geocaching near El ComaloteGroup Photo of Us. (Photo taken by Martin Rangel).

Reflections on Space: Our First Few Days in Antigua

The past few days in Antigua have been incredible to say the least! Between classes, visiting religious sites and museums, wandering around the city, and getting to know our homestay family, I am eager to document all of the things I have learned so far. As we prepare in the next couple of days to head to Lake Atitlán I thought it was important to reflect on the experiences we have had in preparation for the slew of ones to come.

Throughout our classes and site visits, I have worked to think about the built and natural environment that we are occupying in Antigua and the centuries of history they hold embedded within them. Our homebase of Casa Herrera is a strong example of how a space is molded by time and history and can transform its uses by the people that pass through them. The house itself has seen centuries of people pass through since 1680.


Pictured above is Casa Herrera from the rooftop view at night!

It is just one of the examples of how spaces in Antigua have undergone and will continue to undergo changes by the social and political climate taking place outside of the confines of their walls and by the people who shape the space into what it is.

Another example of spaces holding multiple purposes in an evolving Antigua are the ruins of the Jesuit Church in Antigua that eventually became a market in the 1700s after the Jesuits were expelled by the pope from the city. One of the only remaining plazas attached to a church, Dr. Runggaldier explained this was a meeting spot for Maya communities that were able to convene despite the restrictions enforced by the church.


Above is an image of the market prices printed on the ruins of the church!

It is a testament to the way communities are both molded by and mold the spaces they interact with, a concept also found in the altar below the ruins of the San José Cathedral.


Thank you Gabe for this incredible picture of the altar!

Here what at one point was a white plaster altar is now covered in soot from the many rituals carried out by Maya communities, it tells the story of the different people who have inhabited the area. The same church that formative conquistadors attended service in the early colonial years of Antigua was transformed into a meeting point for Maya religious ceremonies, a transculturation thoroughly occurred within this church.

Overall, rethinking space in Antigua has served as a really eye-opening lens in which to connect with the places and spaces we visit, live in, and study. I am excited for all of the other spaces we will visit and to keep considering the centuries of people who have shaped them as well as the many generations to come!

What I Learned About Coffee

We visited La Azotea coffee plantation and got to experience the process of producing coffee, from planting, harvesting to roasting. As a pretty big coffee drinker, this tour taught me a lot about coffee, and gave me a newfound appreciation for the dedication and effort it takes to make our morning iced latte.


The guide started by differentiating robusta and arabica coffee, which are produced in different parts of the world. Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia are the three biggest coffee producers in the world, producing robusta coffee which focuses on quantity. Arabica is costlier and higher quality, produced in Ethiopia, Guatemala and many other countries.

Coffee beans begin as a Cherry, which is the red fruit a coffee plant produces around 3-5 years after it is planted. The skin is then peeled back, revealing the coffee bean. Some of our classmates got to try the fruit, and said it tasted like bell peppers! The bean is then fermented, dried on the rooftop, or the “azotea”, then roasted to create the coffee beans we all know and love.




Photo of a coffee cherry and flower by Hudson Day


Photo of the “azotea” by Gabriel Jones


As labor intensive as coffee production is, I was surprised to learn that a coffee tree produces about one pound of coffee beans, equivalent to just 30 cups of coffee. Our guide said that to him, coffee means love and passion, and after this tour I can definitely understand why one would think so. So much work and time for a drink everyone seems to have in hand. I can only think about the acres and acres of coffee farms and numerous laborers it takes to fuel the world with coffee.

This tour prompted me to rethink our current food systems, and the way international trade and distribution of food as a commodity has led to a disconnect between us and our food sources. Rather than a means of nourishment or a part of our culture and heritage, food is valued through the profit it can bring. We should all be more informed about the sources of our food, and this coffee tour was just one example of how much goes into producing everything we consume.

Busting Myths about Studying Abroad: My First Few Days in Antigua!

The first few days of studying abroad are full of excitement, adjustments, and “firsts” for everyone, especially me since I have never been abroad. Thus, this blog post is dedicated to all the last minute details I was stressed about before the trip and how my anxieties have been replaced with so much excitement, amazement, and gratitude in my first few days here!

Myth No. 1: “I Won’t Get Along With My Classmates”

Over the spring semester, we had a couple meetings a month to get to know one another and start learning relevant course information as well as logistical details. Everyone brought something unique to the table and was very open and engaged; however, it’s still natural to wonder if you are ready to take on entirely new countries with people you have just met. Three days in, I’ve already grown much closer to the people on the trip, especially my housemates! Me and Neona are roommates in our homestay and since we are both Biology majors, most of what we are studying about the Maya is completely new to us and we are developing skills we would never receive from a Biology or Chemistry course back in Austin. At night, Hudson, Neona, Adrián, Yves, and I all hang out on the rooftop outside our rooms and play cards while the neighborhood cat Bruno fights for our attention. We are each very different and come from our own backgrounds and interests, but that just makes our conversations all the more entertaining.


Pictured above are my lovely housemates on what I have been referring to as the “roof”.

Myth No. 2: “I Won’t Like My Homestay And The Local Culture”

Let me start off by saying that this myth is so untrue, I debated even adding it. From day 1, I have loved experiencing the culture of Antigua and in my homestay. From our arrival in Antigua, my homestay mom had snacks prepared for us and sat with us for a few hours conversing all about our backgrounds and her recommendations for just about anything we might want to visit in Antigua. Every time we come home, she checks in on how we are feeling, asks us what we like and don’t like about our meals, and introduces us to any new family members that might be hanging out. This others-focused mindset and attitude of hospitality is seen even on the streets of Antigua as we walk to class. Everyone here is so kind and I have had no bad things to say about our meals (and my family claims that I can be very picky).

Study abroad programs can get wrapped up in pre-departure anxieties; however, it’s only taken three days for me to say that I love it here and can’t wait to continue growing alongside all the people I’m with and in all the beautiful places we are traveling to!

Top 5 Animals I Met

Honorable Mentions:


A dog along the way on our hike up Volcán Pacaya.


A dog that wandered up to our table during a dinner in Belize.

5. The bunny at the Santiago Atitlán weaving co-op


This bunny was just watching from under the table as Atún gave his tour at the weaving co-op.

4. The friendly cat at Crooked Tree, Belize


One of many cute kitties at Crooked Tree! This one was super friendly and just wanted to come sit on our laps.

3. The 2 dogs who followed us at Santiago Atitlán


During our tour of Santiago Atitlán with Dolores Ratzán, there were two dogs who followed us around the entire town and stayed with us at every stop. They even watched our boat drive away from the dock as we were leaving.

2. The nurse sharks and rays on our snorkeling trip


Most of the group went on a half-day snorkeling trip in Caye Caulker, where we got to be in the water with dozens of sharks and stingrays! They were friendly 🙂

1. The mom of 7 kittens at Crooked Tree, Belize


At Crooked Tree, where Dr. Runggaldier works, there was a litter of 7 kittens that were  just 2 weeks old. They were so cute!! A few of us were waiting for our turn to go horseback riding, so we played with the kittens in the meantime. Can you tell I’m a cat person?

-Niyati Prabhu

Last Day in Belize

We are all baffled by how fast the time flew by this past month and cannot believe that we are leaving tomorrow! Today was an amazing end to an incredible trip. We started the day with a snorkeling tour where we got to swim with the sharks and stingrays, see tons of different fish, and look up close at the coral reef.

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Then, some of us went and hung out at the split which had beach chairs and structures to jump off of.

Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 12.16.37 PM

Next, we had a final reflection class on the roof.

Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 12.16.47 PM

Lastly, we finished the program with a final dinner and a karaoke night! Forever thankful for these wonderful people and an unforgettable trip! 🙂

-Kelly Miller

The Road to Caye Caulker

It’s the last days of our May term and we are leaving to Caye Caulker. We started the morning with the sounds of howler monkeys as we waited for our bus and then traveled to reach Caye Caulker. It took us about an hour by road to reach Belize City to go to San Pedro Belize Express Water Taxi and from there, it was an hour to reach Caye Caulker through the water taxi!


The rest of the day was for ourselves. I had a Cuban sandwich at a restaurant by the beach.


and the rest of the day was spent at the beach sunbathing!


-Kenia Mediola Ramos

Presentation Day in Belize

Nervousness, a close sense of relief, and a wasp in the room – it’s presentation day! It was a long day ahead of us since we had morning and afternoon sessions for the presentations, but it was worth it to see the results of everyone’s research of the last three weeks. Seeing how everyone’s topic was different and in some ways overlapped with other topics reflected how we took a different take on this experience. After presentations, we had the day to ourselves- either taking time to rest or continuing the day in the pool, and to end the day we had a great dinner and dessert!


-Kenia Mediola Ramos

Top 5 Excursion Experiences (in no particular order)

Santiago Atitlán Weaving Co-op


This co-op was very interesting because we got to see men and women working alongside each other to make traje. The women at the co-op used traditional back-strap looms to make traje for men, while the men used foot pedal looms, a colonial import, to make women’s huipiles.

María Elena demonstrating how to put on a cinta


We ran into María Elena, an old friend of our guide Dolores, outside of Saint James the Apostle Church. As a favor to Dolores, she demonstrated how to put on a cinta, first by wrapping it around her braid and then building it up. We also got to learn about some of María Elena’s personal experiences during the Guatemala Civil War, not only was she very kind but her stories also showed us how strong and resilient she was.  After the demonstration, she showed us her adorable hand-made beaded birds that she sells, I got a quetzal!

San Juan La Laguna Women’s Weaving Co-op


At Casa Flor Ixcaco we got to create thread out of cotton. Mastering the spindle was not possible for any of us during our short time there but this only exemplified the skill that the women working at this co-op have. The range of dye colors and beautiful garments and blankets was awe-inspiring!

The Association of Medicinal Plants Mayab


At this women’s co-op, we learned about the many different plants from across Guatemala that can be used as medicine. Each plant could be made into a lotion, a pill, or a drop, among other things, and worked to solve a different medical issue. The small store at this co-op had different soaps, lotions, teas, and all of the aforementioned iterations that were said to help solve problems like insomnia and anxiety.

Women’s Cultural/Pottery Group in San Antonio Village


As we neared the end of our trip we arrived at our final co-op with this one being located in the San Antonio village of Belize. Here we learned about traditional methods of Maya ceramic-making and got to try our hands at a newer introduction to Maya pottery, the wheel. Those of us who made pots even got to take them home at the end of our time there!

-Paisley Polk

Xunantunich, Belize

Today was our first full day in Belize, after crossing the border from Guatemala, yesterday.

Despite only having been here for a day, I already noticed some major differences, most notably in language – English, instead of Spanish (though, multiple languages are spoken in both countries) – but also in the lack of living Maya traditions, as opposed to the Guatemalan highlands. The modern-day countries of Guatemala and Belize are, of course, a relatively recent evolution of what, traditionally, all used to be Maya territory. The reason for their differences today can be explained by their colonial history, Guatemala being a former colony of Spain, Belize (then called British Honduras) one of the British Empire. Their shared cultural history, however, can still be observed when visiting ancient Maya sites in Belize, such as Xunantunich, a site quite distinct from other sites like Tikal and Iximché, and yet, similar in many ways. I look forward to spending the last week of our program further comparing and contrasting the ancient and colonial histories of the two countries.

– A. S.

View from the top of“El Castillo”, at Xunantunich:


Very historically accurate recreation of “pok-ta-pok”, the Maya ballgame, at Xunantunich:


Photo credit: Dr. Astrid Runggaldier