We’re Not Done Yet

We only have a few days left of the program (sad), so let me catch you up a bit…

It has been almost a week since we left Antigua, and have been pretty busy since. We’ve been traveling practically everyday, hopping from hotel to hotel and adventure to adventure (cue the Maya temples in the background).


However, all of this moving around makes me realize how much I appreciated living in a homestay and the environment and stability that it provided. The night before we left Antigua, I realized that I had fallen in love with Antigua and my homestay family.


Staying in a homestay is strange, because you can’t treat it like your home and it’s not a hotel. It’s somewhere in the middle. You live with a family that you have never met before and are basically adopted into their family for the length of your stay. They feed you three meals a day (something I am still not used to), make sure you’re feeling ok, and will even give you advice if you need it. You get siblings that play Uno with you and laugh with you and jam out to music after dinner with you. These people actually care about your well being and will do anything in their power to make you feel as though their home is your home.



Since leaving Antigua, it has been a stark change from the slow moving lifestyle. We have joined the hustle and bustle of Belize and within less than a week, we’ve…

  • visited Tikal,


  • crossed the border into Belize,
  • learned how to make tortillas from scratch,
  • Visited the Belize Zoo, which is a sanctuary for Belize’s indigenous animals (and where I FINALLY saw a toucan),



  • visited our LAST Maya Site of the trip (Lamanai),


  • and travelled to Caye Caulker, the last stop of the Program.



There is less than a week left and it feels as though we’ve just gotten here and are just getting started. I’m not ready for the program to end. However, now is not yet the time for reflection, so until that time, I will be soaking in the Caye Caulker sun.


Bittersweet Goodbye

Leaving Guatemala and Belize was an incredibly bittersweet experience.  Don’t get me wrong, I was excited to be able to drink tap water and have working amenities like constant electricity, but the experiences I’ve had in Latin America were some of the most transformative of my life.  The people I’ve met, the history I’ve learned, and the opportunities I’ve lived while abroad were eye opening in terms of being culturally aware and undergoing extraordinary personal growth.

The Maya, both the modern people and their ancient ancestors, have shaped the way I look at life.  I’m leaving feeling much more in tune with nature, more appreciative of the simple things, and more spiritual.  After visiting ancient sites, particularly Tikal, I feel small, in a good way! I feel like I need to love more and worry less.  My patience has grown, and I try not to sweat the small stuff.  All the little complications seem useless to stress about.

Even though I will cherish the experiences I had, the people I met will be what I remember most of all.  The people I shared my experiences with will be forever friends.  They supported me when I was feeling home sick, talked me through culture shock, and made every multi-hour van ride fly by!

However, the women of Guatemala were the most inspirational of all.  Coming into the trip I expected to experience stronger gender roles, and frankly more soft-spoken women.  That was simply not the case.  Many of the women I met in Guatemala were strong entrepreneurs, active mothers, quick learners, progressive thinkers, and feminists.  I was consistently shocked by their adaptability and resilience towards both personal and cultural obstacles.  I’m leaving feeling empowered by the women I met, and more confident than ever that women can truly do it all.

Overall, I wouldn’t trade my trip to Guatemala and Belize for the world.  I’m leaving as a more patient, well rounded, adaptable, culturally aware person than when I started.



Cheers To The Many First Times!

Studying abroad is the best decision you will ever make! If you ever see yourself with the opportunity to study abroad anywhere in the world, especially Guatemala/Belize, do not think it twice! Believe me, you will never regret it.

Be flexible and willing to take yourself out of your comfort zone. Do not be afraid to try new things, such as hiking a volcano, snorkeling in the Caribbean, or swimming with sharks, because even if it’s the first time that you’re doing such things or if it scares you to death, those experiences will end up giving you the best memories ever along the people that you will get to call friends forever!


Myself, a person who finds hard to open up to people and get comfortable with the uncomfortable, found the way to make the best out of this study abroad experience. I met awesome people that I now have the privilege to call friends, and along them I created the best memories of the many first times we had together. Along my friends, I got to swim/snorkel with sharks, sting rays, an eel and a manatee! We also got to hike a volcano and climb one of the highest temples in the Maya world, never giving up, always together and supporting each other.


This study abroad experience in Guatemala and Belize will always live in my memory and in my heart, and even though it came to an end I know that it is just the beginning of many more first times to come and everlasting friendships. No matter where you go study abroad make sure to make the best out of it, give it your all and remember to always include your peers on anything that you do because those experiences will make a difference and will live with you forever!

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Back to Reality Already?


Goodbyes are hard. Imagine it being a month and you’ve gotten to spend some pretty awesome and some pretty intense moments with the people around you, and right as you’re creating bonds and friendships with the people you’ve met, boom you have to go. Advice time: appreciate every moment on this trip even if it’s difficult to digest. Although I have been on other study abroad programs in the past, this has been the most challenging. I say that because you see things you wouldn’t normally see, experience things you wouldn’t normally experience, and learn things that you wouldn’t really learn if you didn’t experience them there. You have the opportunity to interact with the arts and culture first hand. It’s tangible. It’s alive. It has been mentally and physically challenging, but it has been so rewarding.


Before we left, we were given a reverse culture shock “orientation.” You must be asking yourself what that means, right? We thought the same thing, but it’s real my friends. It means exactly what it sounds like. You really will get a culture shock whenever you go back to the life you had before this trip. There won’t be any more walking through cobble stone streets to go to Casa Herrera to have class, or going on a stroll through the central park, or pushing your way through the most colorful markets you’ll ever see. Point is, you’ll have to prepare yourself to go to Guatemala and Belize, and just as much when you go back home. You have to give yourself time to get used to going back simply because you’re not the same person you initially were.


When leaving Central America each of us was given a quote. Mine was by Henry Miller: “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” That is exactly what I felt all throughout this trip. So, my post is an homage of having the opportunity to experience, see, hear, taste, touch, feel, and most importantly, expose myself to things I hadn’t previously given myself to. Travelling doesn’t have to just be a trip from Point A to Point B, but rather, the growth you experience in between them.


And finally, I just want to say thank you to all the people I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to. I’ve learned so much from each and every one of you. Gracias a todos!





June 30, 2017

It’s day three of being home, and I still feel strange. Honestly, even being in Belize for a while felt a bit odd. Guatemala took a part of me that I’ll never get back. But Belize brought its own pleasures too. In fact, in the 7 days we spent there, I had an array of incredible experiences paralleling those I spent nearly a month accumulating in Guatemala 🙂

If you know me, you know I LOVE animals. Discovering nature in a new environment is fun and exciting to me. That’s why visiting the Belize Zoo and snorkeling in the Caribbean were two of the highlights of my trip, and are definitely on my list of must-dos in Belize!

Before we visited the zoo, I was skeptical. I’ve seen some pretty sad situations at zoos in other countries (and even at home!) before. However, I’m pleased to say that I had a very positive experience! All of the animals at the zoo have been rehabilitated or taken from unsuitable owners, and all are native to Belize. They are provided the most natural environment I have ever seen at a zoo (the habitats are literally carved out of the jungle), and it is clear that all the animals are accustomed to humans and seem happily adjusted. This is really a fantastic way to get up close and personal with the animals while supporting a good cause.

I was especially excited when I saw some of the animals they housed. I am from the Rio Grande Valley, the south most part of Texas bordering Mexico. Due to its proximity to the border, the RGV is known for its semi-tropical wildlife (it’s a popular birding destination). I grew up learning about the animals in my region, and two species of wild cat always particularly interested me due to their rarity: the ocelot and the jaguarundi.



These endangered cats are extremely scarce in the RGV (there are only estimated to be 50 ocelots living in South Texas) and I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing one. I was elated, then, to find myself face-to-face with two jaguarundi kittens when I was least expecting it (a worker was transporting them in a wheelbarrow to their enclosure). I also got quite close to an adult, along with great views of the resident ocelot! I was over the moon!



These cats, along with a gorgeous jaguar, tapirs, an assortment of tropical birds (especially one very amicable and showy toucan), a fox, deer, coatimundis (including an assortment of feisty babies), monkeys, and more, are just part of what makes up this wonderful sanctuary (a more fitting term than zoo, I think).


Snorkeling in the Caribbean (off of Caye Caulker) was also an incredible experience. I’m a little obsessed with ocean documentaries because I LOVE the beautiful colors and delicate intricacies of creatures under the sea. I was fortunate enough to see a moray eel, an enormous lobster, and fishes of all colors! We even got to swim with nurse sharks and rays! It was a bit scary at first, but they were gentle creatures that were all but oblivious to our presence. Or well, they were a bit occupied with the fish our guide was throwing from the boat. I have to say that is my only regret. There were many snorkeling companies on the island that advertised they did not feed marine life (a more natural, ethical approach). I had assumed our chosen tour company followed these same practices but it did not. I should have done my research. Nevertheless, it was an unforgettable experience! Also, live and learn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Other noteworthy experiences:

After we visited Tikal, I doubted any other Maya site on our list could leave a significant impression on me. I was dead wrong! The temples at Lamanai left me speechless, and wondering why they hadn’t been covered in more detail in previous classes. The architecture is absolutely astounding, unlike anything I’d ever seen before. It looked almost as if they were modern constructions, which was strange but impressive. The views of the New River and tropical forest from the tops of the temples were stunning as well. Equally thrilling was the fact that there were pieces of history everywhere; we couldn’t go far without finding bits of ancient pottery and obsidian fragments! I would highly suggest visiting this epic site!


It was really interesting to see the traces of Mayan influence throughout different countries and regions; from Honduras (which I visited shortly prior to this program) to Guatemala and from Guatemala to Belize, Maya traditions, architecture, and identity took a variety of forms and molded themselves to fit evolving sociopolitical climates in each environment.

This program was an invaluable opportunity to familiarize ourselves with an array of aspects that contribute to an overarching Maya experience, even in places where it seemed like there was none. It taught me to think more critically about the often not-so-distant past of many of the places we visited and brought to light the beautiful resiliency of Mayan culture still alive today. I am privileged to have been a part of this adventure and both Guatemala and Belize own a piece of my heart now. This was truly an unforgettable summer <3

I hope you enjoy my photo album of these experiences posted below!


Little Did I Know

Little did I know that studying abroad this summer would be the most amazing experience. Little did I know I would grow as a person. Little did I know that I would find comfort in a country where I did not speak the language. Little did I know I would form lasting friendships. Little did I know I could hike a volcano. Little did I know I would get to swim with sharks. Little did I know I would enjoy my time abroad so much that I would plan to come back next summer.


After being home a few days where I have had time to reflect on the last month and I have come to realize how blessed I am to have had this opportunity. During my time aboard my experiences made me feel small, but in a good way. It was a humbling experience that taught me to appreciate the little things in life. For example, water, electricity, wifi and air conditioning are all luxuries that we take for granted here in the states. However, despite Belize and Guatemala not having a reliable access to these resources the people in these countries didn’t seem to care and I think that is what most stood out to me. Everyone I met was so friendly and happy. I was only in Guatemala for a short amount of time but the amount of festivals and celebrations I got to attend really illustrated how spiritual the community is. I think I is important for people to experience different culture because it really broadens your perspective of the world.


The Time I Faced My Fear(s)

It was from five feet away that I could see the scales of the Boa glistening in the sun. The adrenaline from hearing my friends gush about the Belize Zoo had me excited to explore, but I wasn’t expecting to face one of my biggest fears in the yellow eyes. From a zookeeper’s neck hung a green and brown Boa Constrictor, stretching about five feet long. My friends who had been talking to me suddenly became unintelligible voices in the back of my mind as I realized that I wanted to hold the boa. As you can imagine, my instinctual internal voice was screaming “NO! DO! NOT! HOLD! THE! DEADLY! REPTILE!”


The sweat on my forehead and the clamminess of my hands were reinforcing this, but my mouth was doing something completely different (as usual) “Can we hold the boa?” I said to the zookeeper breathily. He looked at me surprised because I was one of the first to walk in from our group. I guess people don’t normally ask to hold the dangerous reptile before observing the zoo. “Uhh.. sure.” He replied while beginning to remove the neck scarf of a snake. He placed it gently on to my shoulders and I felt its scales against my skin. She (the constrictor) tightened her tummy muscles around my neck to adjust to her new perch and there was a hissing sound near my right ear as she expressed her dislike for me. “shh shh shh” the zookeeper whispered at her and pet behind her head like she was a dog. I felt the blood leave my face as I tried to remain calm under the weight of a snake that was not liking me. “Just relax.” The zookeeper said to me more so than to the snake. I took a few deep breaths, counted to three, and let my shoulders and neck relax. “Not so bad, huh?” The zookeeper said to me as I held the snake more confidently. After about twenty seconds, I had relaxed fully and decided to pass the snake off to the zookeeper. I left with my thoughts a blur.

Many people think that study abroad is meant to make you learn a new language or study in a classroom setting in another country but the reality is just like the one I had – you are abroad to make new experiences and learn from them. Holding a Boa Constrictor, petting a stingray, and climbing to the top of the second largest point in Belize are some of the things that have taught me a lot about who I am, as a person and a student. I understand more than ever what it is that American life has me taking for granted and I see how this trip has already transformed my life path. As grueling as the process can be and as costly as the bill is, Guatemala and Belize were two of the best countries I have come to see in my lifetime and I hope that anyone reading this gets the curiosity to go and see parts of the world some people never have before.


