All college and university fine arts education programs have their own application procedures and expectations. You will want to look carefully at the institution’s website where you are applying. Also, every discipline is different. Here are some possibilities of what a program may ask for and expect from a student applying to become a music, dance, theatre, or visual art teacher:
- Many music education programs will expect music education students to audition by performing a rehearsed song—singing or playing your instrument, and likely sight-read. The institution may also expect you to interview with their faculty or recruitment officer. If so, they will likely ask you why you want to be a music teacher.
- For those applying to be a visual arts teacher, many programs will expect a portfolio of your artwork and an interview with faculty or a recruitment officer. Your portfolio will often be reviewed during the interview.
- Most dance education programs will expect an interview with faculty or a recruitment officer and an audition. This is often individual, though you may be expected to dance in a group.
- Those seeking to become theatre teacher should expect to interview with faculty or a recruitment officer and may also be expected to audition (for actors) with a monologue or share a portfolio (for design/stage management/technical theatre focus).