Why I Give Hannah Powers, BSW ’15, MSSW ‘18 Hannah Powers didn’t wait to graduate to start giving back. She donated during the university-wide annual campaign, 40 Hours for the Forty Acres, while she was still in the master’s program. Her donation went to the SWAN scholarship fund. “I saw that the funds were going […]
We mourn the loss of Dean Emeritus Barbara W. White
Barbara W. White, dean emeritus, passed away July 19 in her Austin home surrounded by her family. She was born Feb. 26, 1943, in Jacksonville, Florida. She received a Master of Social Work and a doctorate in political science from Florida State University. White was the first African American dean in The University of Texas […]
Spring 2019 Class Notes
We are proud of our alumni and the positive impact they are making in their communities. Below, we celebrate the accomplishments that have been shared with us. Are you a Steve Hicks School alum who would like to submit recent news? Submit your update here. ’67 Wade Wilson, MSSW ’67, would love to hear from […]
Spring 2019 Community
Why I give Major Joe H. Giles, Sr., MSSW ’65 “It is with gratitude that I support the Steve Hicks School of Social Work. I recall the two-story World War II building and helping carry a paraplegic class member up the stairs; professor Laura Lee Pederson’s decorative orange; professor Charles Laughton (the image of a […]
Fall 2018 Class Notes
We are proud of our alumni and the positive impact they are making in their communities. Below, we celebrate the accomplishments that have been shared with us, starting with the 2018 Distinguished Alum awardee. Are you a Steve Hicks School alum who would like to submit recent news? Submit your update here. CURRENT POSITION: […]
Fall 2018 Community
Why I give Catherine Mullan (MSSW ’05) was working as a hospital social worker after graduating. She decided that she wanted a nursing degree, too. “I am a better nurse because I was a social worker first, and I always tell people this when they ask me,” she said. Mullan is now a day hospital […]
Spring 2018 Class Notes
’64 Truett Briggs, MSSW ’64, had a fruitful social work career at the Department of Human Services’ Income Maintenance Administration in Washington, D.C., where he started as supervisory social work specialist in 1968 and retired as assistant deputy administrator in 2005. After retiring he joined Whitetail Ski Resort in Pennsylvania as a ski instructor, where […]
Spring 2018 Community
Why your support matters K.C. Lawrence, MSSW ’12, 2010 Sylvia Shapiro Scholarship recipient K.C. Lawrence traded a budding business career for a social work degree and has never looked back. “My dream was to combine my previous business experience with geriatric social work training and a nonprofit certificate to then obtain a position in a […]
Norton Armour: A teaching life
On Tuesday, April 4, 2017, in his fifteenth year as an adjunct instructor, Norton Armour taught in his Loss and Grief course for the last time. With his beloved Marilyn by his side, he lay at home in a hospice bed, his head propped up by pillows. His voice was slightly weaker than usual, but […]
Fall 2017 Class Notes
CURRENT POSITION: Lecturer in the Steve Hicks School of Social Work, and I’ve started Daring Dialogues Consulting, which provides trainings on LGBTQ, cultural humility and responsiveness, and social justice frameworks. THREE THINGS YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Students, because they keep me vital and current. Community, broadly defined. And nature. If I can’t get outside, I feel weary. A MEMORY […]