Doctoral student Hannah Szlyk and colleagues examined the relation between depression and general versus ethnic-biased bullying among 534 Latino students in a large North Carolina school district. They found that ethnic-biased and verbal or relational bullying had a direct effect on depression while general and physical bullying did not. Results… read more
@TexasSteveHicks: Ideas, findings, people
What do engineering and social work have in common?
Projects with Underserved Communities (PUC) is a UT Austin program that pairs engineering and social work students in service-learning collaborations around the world. This past summer, a team went to Thailand to install a filtered water transmission and distribution system for the village of Don Kang, and another team went… read more
Ties that bind
Professor Elisa Borah argues that we should broaden our understanding of military social work by including not only active duty personnel and veterans abut also their immediate and extended family members. As Borah writes in the Journal of Family Social Work, they all “frequently share in the challenges and sacrifice… read more