By Marilyn Armour As another school year goes by, it seems teachers are becoming more and more of an endangered species. Many teachers-in-training find themselves struggling to master teaching demands with fewer resources, more students, and ever-increasing high-stakes testing and accountability. They also find they are ill-equipped to manage the… read more
Keeping children in school
Communities In Schools of Central Texas brings resources and relationships to school campuses, surrounding students with a community of support, and empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. This organization was recently recognized by Greenlights as one of Austin’s non-profits of the year. We talked with Chief… read more
The immigrant paradox
By Christopher Salas-Wright It is not unusual to see negative depictions of immigrants in the media and in popular culture. In particular, immigrants are often viewed as dangerous and prone to involvement in problem behaviors like violence, crime, and substance abuse. However, our research — and the research of scholars… read more