Our lab is located in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Texas at Austin. Our current research is primarily focused on discovering general principles that govern the folding of biomolecules.

Latest News
- Congratulations to Mauro Mugnai!
- Congratulations, Sumit Sinha!
- Congratulations, Ryota Takaki!
- Congratulations, Guang Shi!
- Congratulations, Dr. Hyun Woo Cho
Latest Publications
- RNA under tension: Folding Landscapes, Kinetic partitioning Mechanism, and Molecular Tensegrity.
- Dynamic contrast-enhanced folate-receptor-targeted MR imaging using a Gd-loaded PEG-dendrimer-folate conjugate in a mouse xenograft tumor model.
- Dry amyloid fibril assembly in a yeast prion peptide is mediated by long-lived structures containing water wires.
- Myosin VI: how do charged tails exert control?
- Principles governing oligomer formation in amyloidogenic peptides.