Thirumalai, D. ; Toan, N. M. Forced-rupture of cell-adhesion complexes reveals abrupt switch between two brittle states. Journal of Chemical Physics.
, Filed Under: 2018
Thirumalai, D. ; Toan, N. M. Forced-rupture of cell-adhesion complexes reveals abrupt switch between two brittle states. Journal of Chemical Physics.
, Filed Under: 2018
Thirumalai, D. ; Mugnai, M. L. ; Goldtzvik, Y. Dynamics of Allosteric Transitions in Dynein. bioRxiv.
, Filed Under: 2018
Thirumalai, D. ; Li, X. ; Samanta, H. S. ; Sinha, S. ; Malmi-Kakkada, A. N. Cell Growth Rate Dictates the Onset of Glass to Fluidlike Transition and Long Time Superdiffusion in an Evolving Cell Colony. Physical Review.
, Filed Under: 2018
Thirumalai, D. ; Hyeon, C. Signalling networks and dynamics of allosteric transitions in bacterial chaperonin GroEL: implications for iterative annealing of misfolded proteins. The Royal Society Publishing.
Last updated on 05/24/2018
, Filed Under: 2017
Thirumalai, D. ; Lee, Y. ; Hyeon, C. Ultrasensitivity of water exchange kinetics to the size of metal ion. Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, 12334-12337.
, Filed Under: 2017
Thirumalai, D. ; Suvlu, D. ; Samaratunga, S. ; Rasaiah, J. Thermodynamics of Helix–Coil Transitions of Polyalanine in Open Carbon Nanotubes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 494-499.
, Filed Under: 2017
Thirumalai, D. ; Hyeon, C. Ripping RNA by force using Gaussian Network Models. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121, 3515-3522.
, Filed Under: 2017
Thirumalai, D. ; Reddy, G. Collapse precedes folding in denaturant-dependent assembly of ubiquitin. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121, 995-2009.
, Filed Under: 2017
Thirumalai, D. ; Shi, G. Chromatin is stretched but intact when the nucleus is squeezed through constrictions. Biophysical Journal 112, 411-412.
, Filed Under: 2016
Thirumalai, D. ; Chakraborti, S. ; Hinczewski, M. Phenomenological and microscopic theories for catch bonds. Journal of Structural Biology 197, 50-56.
Last updated on 10/02/2017