Kirkpatrick, T. R. ; Thirumalai, D. Dynamics of the structural glass transition and the p-spin-interaction spin-glass model. Phys Rev Lett 58, 2091-2094.
, Filed Under: 1987, Publications
, Filed Under: 1987, Publications
Mountain, R. D. ; Thirumalai, D. Molecular-dynamics study of glassy and supercooled states of a binary mixture of soft spheres. Phys Rev A Gen Phys 36, 3300-3311.
, Filed Under: 1987, Publications
Rosenberg, R. O. ; Thirumalai, D. Order-disorder transition in colloidal suspensions. Phys Rev A Gen Phys 36, 5690-5700.
, Filed Under: 1987, Publications
Kirkpatrick, T. R. ; Thirumalai, D. p-spin-interaction spin-glass models: Connections with the structural glass problem. Phys Rev B Condens Matter 36, 5388-5397.