- B. S. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 1977
- Ph. D. University of Minnesota, 1982, (Advisor: Prof D. G. Truhlar)
- Post Doctoral Fellow, Columbia University 1982-1985 (Advisor: Prof. B. J. Berne)
Professional Experience
- Chairman, Department of Chemistry, UT Austin (2016-present);
- Director, Biophysics Program University of Maryland (2005-2016);
- Editorial Board J. Chemical Physics (2008-present);
- Editorial Board Protein Evolution, Design, and Selection (2005-present).
- Served in the Editorial boards of Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, Communication in Mathematical Methods.
Research Interests
Research in Dr. Thirumalai’s group focuses on various problems in equilibrium and non equilibrium statistical mechanics. Currently various aspects of the transition from liquid to amorphous state are being investigated. Another area of research involves the theoretical study of polymer-colloid interactions. Research is also being carried out to understand the dynamics of protein folding.
Professional Societies
- Biophysical Society
Major Recognitions and Honors
- National Science Talent Research Fellow, India 1972-1977
- Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation 1985-1987
- Distinguished New Faculty Award
- Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship 1986-1988
- Presidential Young Investigator Award 1987-1992
- Outstanding Junior Faculty Award 1989
- Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation 1990
- Maryland Outstanding Young Scientist 1995
- Distinguished Faculty Research Fellowship Award 1998
- Humboldt Research Award for Senior U.S. Scientists 2009
- Elected to Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
- Honorary Senior Hans-Fisher Fellow, Technical University of Munich 2011
- Elected Fellow Biophysical Society 2014
- Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) Medal 2016
- Elected Fellow American Physical Society 2016
- ACS Theoretical Chemistry Award (Physical Chemistry Division) 2016
- Oesper Award, Chemistry, University of Cincinnati 2018
- Langmuir Prize in Chemical Physics 2019
Students Mentored
Over 40 students and postdoctoral fellows have trained with Dr. Thirumalai. The majority of them are in academic positions.