- Congratulations to Mauro Mugnai!Mauro takes an independent research fellow position in the department of physics at Georgetown University, starting on April 1, 2022. Congratulations and best of luck to Mauro!
- Congratulations, Sumit Sinha!Sumit defensed his PhD thesis successfully and became Dr. Sinha! He is going to Harvard for his postdoc training. Congratulations and good luck!
- Congratulations, Ryota Takaki!Ryota Takaki has been offered a Postdoctoral position at Max Planck Institute in Dresden.
- Congratulations, Guang Shi!Guang Shi’s paper reporting a rigorous method to get 3D structures for Chromosomes from Hi-C data (a great paper!) has been accepted for publication in Physical Review X.
- Congratulations, Dr. Hyun Woo ChoDr. Hyun Woo Cho will soon be Professor Hyun Woo Cho. He has accepted a position at Seoul National Tech.
- Group UpdatesYonathan Goldzvik started a postdoctoral fellowship in Cambridge University. Ed O’Brien, a former graduate student, garnered tenure in the Chemistry department in Penn State University. Way to go Ed! Former postdoctoral fellow, Mike Hinczewski, was granted tenure in the Physics Department in Case Western University. Congratulations Mike! Former graduate student, Shaon Chakraborty, started his independent career… read more
- Dave Thirumalai was awarded the Hand Neurath award by the Protein Society in 2019The citation reads, “Professor Thirumalai has been a pioneer in advancing our understanding of biomolecular actions, particularly protein and RNA folding, and the basis for how molecular motors convert energy to motion. Professor Thirumalai, one of the top theorists in delineating the principles of protein and RNA folding, is unique in driving and interpreting experiments,… read more
- Congratulations to Naoto Hori!Naoto Hori has accepted a Nottingham Research Fellow position in the School of Pharmacy at Nottingham University in the United Kingdom starting March 2020.
- Dave Thirumalai Awarded Langmuir Prize in Chemical PhysicsA chemist at the University of Texas at Austin has been awarded the top prize for chemical physics, given biennially by the American Physical Society. Devarajan Thirumalai received the Irving Langmuir Prize in Chemical Physics for his groundbreaking work in developing “analytical and computational approaches to soft-matter systems” and applying these approaches to “the transitional behavior of supercooled fluids and glasses, folding… read more
- Scientists Map a Complicated Ballet Performed in Our CellsFor years, scientists have looked at human chromosomes, and the DNA they carried, poring over the genetic code that makes up every cell for clues about everything from our eye color to congenital diseases. In a new study, however, scientists have demonstrated the movement of chromosomes within cells also may play a role in human traits and… read more
- Thirumalai Receives 2018 Oesper AwardProfessor and Chair Dave Thirumalai is the recipient of the 2018 Oesper Award presented by the University of Cincinnati Department of Chemistry and the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society. The award recognizes outstanding chemists for a lifetime of significant accomplishments in the field of chemistry with long lasting impact on the chemical sciences. Professor Thirumalai was honored at the Ralph &… read more
- Thirumalai Group Celebrates DiwaliThe Thirumalai Group met for dinner to celebrate Diwali.
- Chemistry Chair Receives Major Award from American Chemical SocietyThe Department of Chemistry’s new chair, Professor Dave Thirumalai, has been selected to receive the 2016 Award in Theoretical Chemistry by a division of the largest scientific society in the world. Thirumalai was chosen “for outstanding contributions to physical and biophysical chemistry, especially work on protein and RNA folding, protein aggregation, and effects of molecular crowding in… read more