In 2021, Gov. Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 8, which banned abortion after embryonic cardiac activity could be detected via ultrasound, which usually happens around 5-6 weeks since a persons last menstrual period. This was the most extreme abortion ban in the country at the time.Since it went into effect… read more
How we got to a near-total abortion ban in Texas: a 2013-2022 timeline
The anniversary of the fall of Roe v. Wade is approaching. In Texas, there has been a lengthy history of abortion restrictions.If you would like to learn more about legislative measures surrounding abortion and family planning in Texas, check out our Timeline of Family Planning and Abortion Legislation in Texas:… read more
“Some of the clinicians are in tears about their inability to provide care or seeing the very real risk of a patient dying in front of them…as a result of these laws.”
Our lead investigator Dr. Kari White spoke with Elena Rivera of KERA News about our latest Care Post-Roe study. This ongoing, confidential, and anonymous study conducted with ANSIRH is comprised of 50 stories from physicians. Dr. White discusses how states with abortion bans often also have worse maternal health outcomes:… read more