The resources on this page provide background information on contraception and abortion in Texas.
Changes in Publicly Funded Reproductive Health Programs in Texas: 2011-2021
Information on changes in publicly funded reproductive health programs from 2011-2021, including maps of family planning health centers.
Medication abortion access and use in Texas
A research brief and fact sheet about medication abortions in Texas.
Timeline of Family Planning and Abortion Legislation in Texas 2011 – 2022
A detailed outline of family planning and abortion legislative events in Texas from 2011 – 2022, updated October 2022.
Publicly Funded Reproductive Health Care Programs for People with Low Incomes in Texas, 2011-2021
This brief examines changes to Texas’ funding for reproductive health care for people with low incomes over the past ten years and the impact these changes have had on access to services.
After Roe: Criminal Abortion Bans in Texas, June 2022
A research brief explaining four criminal laws that affect abortion in Texas after the overturning of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022.
Abortion in Texas Fact Sheet, September 2021
A quick guide to abortion statistics in Texas.
Texas Senate Bill 8: Medical and Legal Implications, July 2021
A research brief explaining the potential medical and legal impacts on Texans after Senate Bill 8 is enacted.