Abstract: This study examines electric scooter (e-scooter) markets in U.S. transit deserts and oases, focusing on Austin, Chicago, Portland, and Minneapolis. Through t-tests, we compared e-scooter ride frequencies in these areas. Results show no significant difference in ride numbers between transit deserts and oases in Austin, Chicago, and Portland. Transit… read more
Look to my Lead: How Does a Leash Affect Perceptions of a Quadruped Robot?
Abstract: In this study, we explore graceful robot navigation in shared spaces, focusing on human-robot dyads resembling a dog and its handler. We examine five conditions: “Fully-Autonomous,” “Remote-Controlled,” “Companion,” “Leading,” and “Guided.” Participants observe these interactions and provide feedback via questionnaires. While initial questionnaire results show few significant differences, comparing… read more
Rental Housing Spot Markets: How Online Information Exchanges Can Supplement Transacted-Rents Data
Abstract: Conventional U.S. rental housing data sources like the American Community Survey and American Housing Survey primarily capture transacted market data, reflecting existing renters’ payments. However, they do not directly reflect spot market conditions—the asking rents for current homeseekers. This study contrasts governmental data with millions of contemporary rental listings,… read more
Longitudinal Social Impacts of HRI over Long-Term Deployments
Abstract: The Longitudinal Social Impacts of HRI over Long-Term Deployments Workshop convenes researchers delving into various facets of understanding extended human-robot interaction deployments. Encompassing longitudinal studies, autonomy in prolonged contexts, and real-world implementations, the workshop aims to advance comprehension of how deployed robot systems influence individuals and societal dynamics. With… read more
What Goes Bump in the Night: Learning Tactile Control for Vision-Occluded Crowd Navigation
Abstract: Expanding the deployment of robots in social environments necessitates safe navigation in contact-prone settings. While collision-free navigation is well-studied, incorporating safe contacts remains underexplored. Traditional approaches mandate robots to freeze upon detecting imminent collisions, risking harm and impeding movement in dense crowds. To address this, we propose a learning-based… read more
Learning Contact-based Navigation in Crowds
ABSTRACT: Navigating crowded environments while intentionally interacting with humans (“contact-based” social navigation) remains largely unexplored, contrasting with extensively studied collision-free social navigation. Traditional approaches demand robots to halt abruptly upon detecting imminent collisions, risking harm or impeding movement in dense crowds. To facilitate meaningful robot integration in bustling social spaces,… read more
Durations of Dockless E-Scooter Trips Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Austin, TX: An Analysis Using Hazard-Based Duration Models
Abstract: The 2019 coronavirus pandemic has profoundly impacted global life, including economies and transportation systems, leading to shifts in travel behaviors. This study investigates the relationship between socio-economic factors and e-scooter trip durations before and during the pandemic. Using hazard-based duration modeling, we analyze data from Austin’s Open Data Portal… read more
Exploring the association between the built environment and positive sentiments of tourists in traditional villages in Fuzhou, China
ABSTRACT: Ensuring positive emotional experiences for tourists is crucial for rural development sustainability, yet research often neglects the rural built environment. This study fills this gap by investigating the impact of the rural built environment on tourist emotions, focusing on traditional villages in Fuzhou, China. Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques… read more
Cities reshaped by Airbnb: A case study in New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles
Abstract: Over the past decade, Airbnb has evolved from a modest online bed and breakfast platform to a prominent global hospitality service. Scholars have utilized various spatial analysis techniques to investigate its influence on urban areas. This graphic employs cartogram processing to visualize Airbnb listing density in three major US… read more
An empirical analysis of Airbnb listings in forty American cities
ABSTRACT: Over the last decade, Airbnb has evolved from a small bed and breakfast service to a global hospitality giant operating in 80,000 cities worldwide, offering various accommodations and experiences. With its expansion, there’s increased scrutiny from cities, researchers, and the public on its impacts and the need for regulation.… read more