- Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez, Professor, Biomedical Engineering
The Cosgriff-Hernandez laboratory specializes in the development of polymeric biomaterials to improve clinical outcomes of medical devices and regeneration strategies. Synthesis of new biomaterials with targeted cell interactions is complemented by advanced fabrication strategies. Cardiovascular applications under investigation include multilayer vascular grafts, model-directed design of synthetic heart valves, injectable hydrogel electrodes to treat ventricular arrhythmias and conductive-hydrogel mediated ablation.
Dr. Baker’s laboratory focuses on using multidisciplinary approaches to study the mechanisms of cardiovascular disease and vascular mechanobiology. His group works on multiple projects including the development of proteoglycan-based/glycomimetic therapies for vascular disease and peripheral ischemia, creating new technologies for studying mechanobiology, and exploring the role of mechanical forces in stem cell biology.
The Rausch lab uses experimental and computational methods to better understand the soft tissues of the cardiovascular system. Through mechanical, optical, and numerical interrogation of these tissues, we learn to better diagnose and treat some of the deadliest diseases, including heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary embolisms. Our specific tissues of interest include the myocardium (the heart muscle), blood clots, and heart valves.
The Sugg’s lab aims to develop clinically relevant and robust biomaterial platforms for characterizing, modeling and treating disease and injury, including applications in ischemic and inflammatory disease. Towards this goal, we develop synthetic and natural polymeric hydrogels and well as micro and nanoparticle systems.
The Willerson Center for Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation focuses on modeling and simulation of the function of the heart and its valves using a multiscale modeling at the cellular, tissue, and organ levels. This work addresses both fundamental questions and clinical applications utilizing state-of-art computational methods and imaging technologies. In particular, this work focusses on developing patient-specific, simulation-based approaches for the understanding and treatment of heart and heart valve diseases.
The Zoldan Group is dedicated to further elucidating the effects of a stem cell’s microenvironment on the cell’s proliferation, migration, and differentiation. In this endeavor, we aim to both add to our fundamental understanding of stem cell behavior while leveraging the knowledge gained to develop new stem cell therapies for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.