Microelectronic Research Center
Learning and working on MEMS processing~
Currently, I’m learning the MEMS processing at the Microelectronic Research Center of UT Austin. Generally, senior students in lab will train new students, but senior students (like DK, Carly, Randy, and Yoonho) already graduated . So, I have to learn the cleanroom staff by myself.
Even though this takes much time to be familious with the microfabrication, I think it’s interesting and worthy.
I try to sort and write down what I learn, experience, tips, or manuals on this page, which maybe beneficial for subsequent students.
Xiaoyu Niu’s thinking about the webpage
- ALD Banerjee
- 790 Plasma Therm
- MRL Furnace (Field)
- Acid Hood (C-16)
- J.A. Woollam Ellipsometer
- Univex 450
- Klin
- MA6 Aligner
- HMDS Oven
- Tepla Asher
- March Asher
- Acid Hood (H14) (SiO2 Vapor Etching)(the specific tool built by Jesse)
- ACT Dicing Saw (South Clean Room)
- Carl Zesis SEM
- SU8-3005 Photoresist Process Recipe
- AZ9260 Photoresist Process Recipe
- AZ5214-IR Series Photoresist Process Recipe
- AZ5214 Positive Photoresist Process recipe_Xiaoyu Niu
- omnicoat spin coating
- How to cut the wafer into stripes to check the cross-section?
- SU8 PR Removal: lift-off (wet) vs. Dry-etch
- Differences between EVG Aligner and MA6 Aligner
- Differences among several silicon etchers (Yoonho Email)
- Differences among etchers
- DSE: use SiO2 as masks
- Orientation of the wafer lattice
- P-type or N-type?
- XN Mounted Standard DSE
- CAS_Mounted DSE Standard