Submissions Guidelines

Y’alla is a biannual publication that features fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction translated from Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Hebrew, and other languages of the MENA region. We read submissions on a rolling basis. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please notify us if your work has been accepted elsewhere. Please send evidence of translation rights with your submission (an email is sufficient). Please see below for more specific guidelines for each genre.

All submissions should be emailed as a Word doc or PDF to:

2024 Y’alla Sci-Fi Contest: Submit up to 7,000 words of science-fiction themed stories or novel excerpts in translation, along with a PDF of the original text and a note showing that you have translation rights (emails are fine). Deadline: Monday, July 1st 2024 No entry fee. Submissions with more than one translator will be accepted. We define science fiction broadly. Dystopian stories and stories in other genres with science fiction elements will be accepted. Up to three submissions per translator will be accepted. These can be in one genre or across multiple genres.

Fiction: We accept submissions of short stories and novel excerpts of up to 7,000 words. You may submit up to three pieces at a time. Please include all pieces in a single document.

Poetry: Up to seven poems may be submitted at any time. Please submit poems as a single document.

Creative Non-fiction: We accept creative non-fiction and narrative non-fiction pieces or book excerpts of up to 7,000 words.

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