Daily Archives: September 10, 2010

Scholarship Opportunities in the College of Liberal Arts-Apply by October 15

Liberal Arts Competitive Scholarships

Purpose of Award
For students in the College of Liberal Arts with a UT Austin GPA between 3.25 and 3.69.

Eligibility Criteria
GPA: 3.25 – 3.69
30 hours in residence at UT at time of application.

Award amounts from $1,000 – $2,000.

DEADLINE: October 15, 2010

Liberal Arts UG Research Awards

Purpose of Award
To support undergraduate student research.
To enable students to attend conferences pertaining to their field of study.

Award amounts: up to $1,000.00 will be awarded for fall 2010 or spring, 2011.

Eligibility Criteria
Student must have declared a Liberal Arts major
GPA of at least 3.2 at time of application

DEADLINE: October 15, 2010

Liberal Arts Study Abroad Scholarships for Exchange Programs

Purpose of Award
For students in the College of Liberal Arts planning on going on an Exchange Study Abroad Program. Number of awards vary in each semester.

Eligibility Criteria
Undergraduate student currently enrolled in Liberal Arts with at least one semester completed in the College.
Completion of a minimum of 15 hours of coursework in residence, through the Summer 2010 semester (at time of application).
UT-Austin GPA of at least 3.0.
One letter of recommendation from a UT faculty member.
Award amounts: $1,000 – $2,000

DEADLINE: October 15, 2010

To apply, go to

Internship with the Texas Daily Newspaper Association

TDNA seeks an intern student to work with our Executive V.P. during the upcoming legislative session.   The candidate should demonstrate a passionate interest in current events, politics and/or the political process.  Our emphasis is always “freedom of information” and our lobby efforts were pivotal in the passage of the free flow bill during the last session.  Next year, we will defend that bill, as well as prevent new “bad” bills from becoming law.

Although we cannot offer a salary, the selected student will be given a $1,000 stipend.  The position will last from January 3, 2011 through May; it is essential that the candidate be willing to stay through May 31.  We hope for minimum participation of 10 hours per week and are flexible—key session events require more, while some weeks require less.  Preference will go to  someone who is available during standard work day hours. This experience will be very well received by resume readers.

Note–There is additional opportunity for the selected student to serve as the official bill “reviewer” for the Legislative Advisory Committee if scheduling permits.  This position offers additional funding and can be performed largely during the student’s own time at home!

Please direct resumes and questions to my office.

Warmest Regards,
Cyndi Brown
Member Services Director

Texas Daily Newspaper Association
718 West Fifth Street,  Suite 200
Austin,  Texas  78701-2796
512-476-4351  F: 512-476-0515

UT Community Garden Workday this Sunday!

The University of Texas Gardening Committee is a committee of the UT Campus Environmental Center. The committee is entirely student-run. We plant gardens around campus, organize tree plantings and landscaping events, and are currently working to start a student-run community vegetable garden on campus. Email us at gardening@utenvironment.org for more information.

We’re having our first workday for the UT Community Garden this Sunday! We’ll primarily be building frames for our raised planting beds. Bring tools (especially hammers) if you can!

Check our blog for more details: http://utgardening.blogspot.com/

Also, make sure to check out our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=info&gid=281285494388

and our page on the UT Campus Environmental Center website:

Che our blog for more details: http://utgardening.blogspot.com/