Daily Archives: October 22, 2010

LILAS Study Abroad Scholarships

The Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies is announcing our
competition for Summer 2011 undergraduate travel grants for study abroad in
Latin America. Students must attend a degree-granting institution and bring
back at least six hours of college credit.  Awards are $2,500 apiece.  Below
is the link to access the online scholarship applications.

The deadline is November 9.


Pre-Grad Internship

Dear UT Undergraduates:

With registration for next semester coming up in a few weeks, let me tell
you about an exciting internship course.

Are you thinking about whether graduate school is in your future?  Are you
uncertain about what it would be like to be a graduate student and what
academic program may be suited best to your interests and career goals?

If your answer to these questions is yes, you may wish to consider
undertaking the Intellectual Entrepreneurship (IE) “Pre-Graduate School
Internship.”  This internship is open to students in all UT
colleges/schools and departments.  You may earn one, two or three hours of
academic credit (CMS 164M/264M/364M) by participating in the internship.

Attached is a flyer describing the Pre-Graduate School Internship.  In
addition, you may read more about this program (including FAQ’s, examples
of internship activities and an easy to complete internship contract) on
the web:

A wonderful UT web feature about this program is at:

If after examining these materials you have questions, please feel free to
contact me at: spaj737@uts.cc.utexas.edu

NOTE: Because of the generosity of several UT deans, undergraduates who do
their pre-grad internship in programs in the following colleges will be
eligible to receive travel grants to help cover part of the cost of
attending an academic conference (with their grad mentor)– Law, Public
Affairs, Communication, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Pharmacy, Business,
Social Work, Education, Natural Sciences, Fine Arts.


Rick Cherwitz
Professor and IE Director

Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program

The Senate Hispanic Research Council is currently accepting applications for the 2011 Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program.

With the 82nd Legislative Session on the horizon, it is once again time to prepare for the next class of future leaders to participate in our legislative process through the Senate Hispanic Research Council (SHRC). The SHRC is the body that operates the Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program for undergraduate and graduate students to participate as legislative aides in the Texas Legislature.

The 2011 Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program application is now available on our website. This is a wonderful opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to obtain high-level legislative experience in the Texas Legislature. The program provides invaluable experience for these budding leaders of tomorrow and can propel them on their professional career paths. In addition, Scholars and Fellows receive a $2,000 monthly stipend to assist with living expenses. Application deadline: October 29, 2010.

Below you will find a link to the electronic application via our website with all the pertinent details. I encourage you to share the attached application with all students interested in working at the Texas Capitol during the 82nd Legislature. If you would like to learn more about the program or have any questions, please feel free to contact Sarah Saenz at (512) 499-8606 or email her at sarah@tshrc.org.

Sarah Saenz

Senate Hispanic Research Council


Application Link: http://www.tshrc.org/Luna_Scholars_App_2011.pdf

The Senate Hispanic Research Council: http://cts.vresp.com/c/?SenateHispanicResear/5a7e876020/5c7b1ce508/c38acc4489