UTeach Urban Teachers

Come learn about what makes us different from other teacher education programs, and how to apply.  Information sessions for UTeach Urban Teachers will be held this week in:

University Union (UNB), Room 3.116 (Texas Governor’s Room) on:

Wednesday, October 14, from 4:00-5:00  or

Thursday, October 15, from 4:00-5:00

Drop-in  “Café hours” at Caffe Medici, 2222 Guadalupe St (on the drag)

Outreach directors available to meet with interested students during the times below:


10/22, 9-11 a.m.


10/30, 9-11 a.m.


11/4, 9-11 a.m.

Contact UTUT:

            Facebook: UTeachUrbanTeachers

            Web: utut.utexas.org

            Email: utut@utexas.edu

Through participating in UTeach Urban Teachers during your senior year, you can graduate with a secondary Texas teaching certificate, in addition to your major degree (see the website for a list of accepted majors).  Our one-year program just for UT students will prepare you to teach 7th-12th grade English or Social Studies in an urban school.