Welcome to the Circuit Research Lab (CRL) at the University of Texas, Austin. We are located in the Engineering Education and Research Center (EER) within the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department, Cockrell School of Engineering. Our research is focused on devices, circuits and architectures for machine learning hardware accelerators, in-memory computing, emerging logic/memory nano-devices, heterogeneous and 3D integrated circuits, hardware security, rad-hard and cryogenic computing.
There are multiple positions available for prospective graduate students. Please refer to the publications page for ongoing research projects. Feel free to send a note to Jaydeep along with your latest CV. Prospective students having strong background in above mentioned areas are encouraged to apply. Please check UT ECE graduate programs for more details.
Contact: 2501 Speedway EER 4.882, Austin, TX, 78712, Phone: 512-471-4802, E-mail: jaydeep-AT-austin.utexas.edu
Research support: We are grateful to receive support from the following organizations
CRL News:
[May 2023] CRL team to present the work on security aspects of Buried Power Rail (BPR) technology in 2023 IEEE 73rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)[April 2023] Shanshan Xie receives UT ECE Graduate Achievement Award!
[April 2023] Jaydeep receives Best Associate Editor Award for IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS)
[March 2023] CRL student Isha Chakraborty receives NSF Graduate Student Fellowship
[January 2023] Two CRL papers got accepted for publication in the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. Congratulations to Rishabh, Meizhi, and the team!
[January 2023] CRL paper on Graph accelerator accepted to CICC 2023; congrats to Yipeng and the team!
[December 2022] CRL receives a grant from Sandia National Labs to investigate rad hard analog in-memory computing technology.
[November 2022] CRL receives an SRC grant to devise extremely low-voltage cryogenic logic and memory circuits.
[October 2022] CRL paper on SAT accelerator accepted to ISSCC 2023. Congrats to Shanshan and the team! We are also participating in the ISSCC demo session.
[September 2022] Jaydeep receives SRC Innovation Award [Link]
[April 2022] Jaydeep receives ECE department junior faculty excellence in teaching award
[March 2022] Jaydeep receives NSF CAREER Award [Link]
[January 2022] Shanshan Xie receives IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society predoctoral achievement award [Link]
[December 2021] Jaydeep receives a Micron Foundation faculty grant for memory circuits research and teaching.
[November 2021] CRL receives a grant from Sandia National Labs for the radiation-hardened integrated circuit research
[October 2021] Jaydeep is appointed as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II for the term 2022-2023
[October 2021] Jaydeep is selected as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Electron Device Society (EDS) [Link]
[September 2021] CRL receives a grant from Intel Resilient Architectures and Robust Electronics (RARE) center for the secure integrated circuit design research
[June 2021] CRL receives a grant from Silicon Labs for the memory circuits and hardware security research
[May 2021] Winners of Inaugural Micron Semiconductor Memory Design Contest Announced [Link]
[May 2021] Jaydeep is appointed as review editor for the journal Frontiers in Electronics, Integrated Circuits and VLSI track. [Link]
[May 2021] CRL Ph.D. candidate Rahul Mathur wins Top-10 Presentation Award at Synopys User Group (SNUG) World 2021 conference
[April 2021] Jaydeep is selected as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Solid State Circuits Society (SSCS) for the term 2021-2023 [Link]
[February 2021] Jaydeep is elected as a senior member of National Academy of Inventors (NAI), class of 2021 [Link]
[January 2021] Four CRL papers accepted at 2021 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC).
[December 2020] CRL Ph.D. student Shanshan Xie receives 2020 Cadence Women in Technology Scholarship [Link]
[November 2020] CRL receives a grant from Sandia National Labs for mixed signal integrated circuits research
[October 2020] Jaydeep receives 2020 Intel Rising Star Faculty Award [Link]
[August 2020] CRL receives a Texas Global Virtual Exchange Grant for international teaching collaborations [Link]
[May 2020] Heartiest congratulations to Aseem Sayal for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis. Good luck with your new job at Google ML hardware team.
[May 2020] Good luck to CRL students for the summer 2020 internships: Jacob (Sandia National Labs), Rishabh (Nvidia), Can (Qualcomm), Siddhartha (Apple), Tanmay (Intel), Kashyap (ARM).
[March 2020] Jaydeep receives Micron Foundation faculty award for the memory circuit research.
[February 2020] CRL receives a SRC grant to develop 3-dimensional memory technologies using back end of line transistors [Link].
[May 2019] Heartiest Congratulations to recent CRL graduates!!! Shirin Fathima, M.S. (joining Apple); Naman Maheshwari, M.S. (joining Samsung), and Wei Li, M.S. (joining Synopsys)
[May 2019] Good luck to CRL students for the summer 2019 internships: Teja (ARM Research), Meizhi (Intel Circuit Research Lab), Jacob (Silicon Labs), Aseem (Google), Ping Na (Micron), and Shanshan (Texas Instruments).
[May, 2019] CRL receives a DoD grant to explore radiation hardened circuits using emerging devices [Link].
[May, 2019] Jaydeep receives Micron Foundation faculty award for the memory technology and circuits research.
[January, 2019] Jaydeep joins NASCENT ERC as a Co-PI. CRL will work on device circuit co-design for emerging technologies. [Link]
[November, 2018] CRL receives a NSF grant to develop energy efficient Integrated Circuits using phase transition materials. [Link]
[November, 2018] CRL receives a SRC grant to develop advanced SRAM technology for aggressive voltage scaling [Link].
[July 2018] Good luck to CRL student Naman Maheshwari for Fall semester Co-op at AMD Research.