BS in Mathematics: Option 1: Actuarial Science
This is an introduction on how to concentrate in actuarial studies as a mathematics undergraduate student. For official information on majoring in mathematics, please consult the university catalog, an actuarial studies advisor, and a professional academic advisor in PMA 4.101.
Most students wishing to enter the actuarial profession choose to major in mathematics within the College of Natural Sciences and concentrate in Actuarial Science.
Sample Course Plans
Each student has a unique background, individual strengths and weaknesses and varying goals, therefore, each student will have a unique course plan. This is an example of a freshman BS in Mathematics, Option 1: Actuarial Science major who wants to be an actuary and pass an actuarial exam as soon as possible (while preparing for as many professional exams as possible). This hypothetical student is claiming AP credit for differential calculus (M408N or M408C). Required core courses and electives are not included.
Note: Students who haven’t taken differential calculus in high school or who enter the Actuarial Program after their freshman year can still be successfull in this degree and career. Consult with your advisor to come up with a course plan that works for you.
Sample Track – Pursuing Life/Consulting SOA credential – Maximal Coverage with 1 Semester Calculus credit
Freshman Year
Fall: M 408S (Integral Calculus for Science) or M 408D, ECO 304K (Microeconomics)
Spring: M 362K (Probability) – prepare for SOA Exam P and sit in May or July, ECO 304L (Macroeconomics), CS 303E (Elements of Computers and Programming)
Sophomore Year
Fall: M 329F (Interest Theory) – prepare for SOA Exam FM and sit in December or February, M325K or other upper level proof-based mathematics course
Spring: M 341 (Linear Algebra), M 378K (Mathematical Statistics), ACC 310F (Accounting), find an internship for the summer
Junior Year
Fall: M 339D (Intro to Financial Math for Actuaries), M 339U (Actuarial Contingent Payments I)
Spring: M 339V (Actuarial Contingent Payments II), M 339J (Probability Models), sit for SOA Exam FAM, find an internship for the summer
Senior Year
Fall: M 339G (Predictive Analytics), M 349R (Applied Regrssion and Time Series), sit for SOA Exam ALTAM
Spring: M 375T (Actuarial Modeling/Simulation), M 339C (Actuarial Case Studies), FIN 357, sit for SOA Exam SRM or PA
This student will graduate with a BS in Mathematics, five exams passed, multiple full-time job offers, and fond memories of UT!
Sample Track – Pursuing P&C CAS credential or Health SOA credential – Maximal Coverage with 1 Semester Calculus credit
Freshman Year
Fall: M 408S (Integral Calculus for Science) or M 408D, ECO 304K (Microeconomics)
Spring: M 362K (Probability) – prepare for SOA Exam P and sit in May or July, ECO 304L (Macroeconomics), CS 303E (Elements of Computers and Programming)
Sophomore Year
Fall: M 329F (Interest Theory) – prepare for SOA Exam FM and sit in December or February, M325K or other upper level proof-based mathematics course
Spring: M 341 (Linear Algebra), M 378K (Mathematical Statistics), ACC 310F (Accounting), find an internship for the summer
Junior Year
Fall: M 339G (Predictive Analytics), M 339U (Actuarial Contingent Payments I)
Spring: M 339J (Probability Models), M 375T (Actuarial Modeling/Simulation), M 339D (Intro to Financial Math for Actuaries) take CAS Data and Insurance Series Courses (DISCs) or SOA Exam FAM, find an internship for the summer
Senior Year
Fall: M 349P (Actuarial Statistical Estimates), M 349R (Applied Regrssion and Time Series), sit for CAS Exam MAS-I or SOA Exam SRM or ASTAM
Spring: M 339D (Intro to Financial Math for Actuaries), M 339C (Actuarial Case Studies), FIN 357, sit for CAS Exam MAS-II or SOA Exam PA
This student will graduate with a BS in Mathematics, four or five exams passed, multiple full-time job offers, and fond memories of UT!
Sample Track – SOA credential – Minimum Coverage focused on Financial Math
Freshman Year
Fall: M 408N, ECO 304K
Spring: M 408S, ECO 304L, CS 303E
Sophomore Year
Fall: M 325K, M 362K – prepare for SOA Exam P then sit in January
Spring: M 329F, M 341, ACC 310F
Junior Year
Fall: M 339D, M 371E
Spring: M 339W
Senior Year
Fall: M 339U, M 358K, FIN 357
Spring: M 339J, M 339V
Society of Actuaries
Casualty Actuarial Society
CAS Student Central
Abacus Actuaries
International Association of Black Actuaries
Network of Actuarial Women and Allies
Organization of Latino Actuaries
Sexuality and Gender Alliance of Actuaries
South Asian Network of Actuaries
Department of Mathematics
College of Natural Sciences
Be An Actuary
Intro to Actuarial Science – edX