There is some confusion about job titles that always comes up around information professionals (see!). Not content with being librarians or information scientists (well, you know what they say about any discipline that has ‘science’ in its name), people have reached further to become information architects, knowledge engineers, intelligence analysts, user experience designers, etc. Trouble is, these are all a bit clunky and liable to take the conversation down a path you would rather not follow. In an attempt to get us back to single word labels, the term ‘informationist’ has gained some currency. I have a difficult time swallowing this one but if it floats your boat….
Oddly, the push to one word is being confused by the co-occurence of this term in some places with Information Specialist in Context, shortened to ISIC. That an acronym which can only be pronounced “I sick” is being advocated by, of all groups, the Medical Library Association should have you checking the date — no it’s not April 1st — and it can only be a strategy to force you into accepting ‘Informationist’ as a better option. Why is life so complicated? See more at:
“it can only be a strategy to force you into accepting ‘Informationist’ as a better option.”
not likely to work though.