Digital preservation report released by Blue Ribbon Panel

It’s been out a few weeks now but it’s sheer size makes it less than simple to digest, which might account for the rather limited attention it’s thus far received in the information community. This aside, the report can be downloaded here: (PDF; 120 p.) and it’s worth reading. The major arguments are not particularly new but it’s interesting to hear others make this case loud and clear. Our cultural records in the digital era will rest on three key commitments according to the panel:

1) Articulate a compelling value proposition
2) Provide clear incentives to preserve
2) Define roles and responsibilities among stakeholders to ensure an ongoing and efficient flow of resources to preservation throughout the digital lifecycle.

The report is strong on economic analyses of the drivers of preservation, complementing what is seen as the dominant policy or technical concerns that have garnered most attention. However, early on the report acknowledges that key to success in this domain is promoting education and training for 21st century digital preservation, with core competencies in relevant science, technology and engineering knowledge. Interesting stuff…..more to come surely.

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