Having lived under the Tory governments of Margaret Thatcher during the 1980s, I find the eulogizing somewhat at odds with the reality I experienced. Still, the campaign to whitewash political ideologies over time is hardly unique to Thatcherism or Reaganism. Kudos though to Glenda Jackson for speaking out (despite efforts to shut her up but current members of parliament) as portrayed in this Guardian video
Pretty much how I remember it too. Need work? “On yer bike” then and move. “There is no such thing as society’….Ah yes, all sharp knees and elbows as Glenda puts it. She has not lost her theatrical flourishes through age and let’s be thankful. If only politicians here were as engaging (‘home-perm cautionary tale’ Rand Paul aside, thank you Stephen Colbert for that one). Let Thatcher have her goodbyes, she certainly was committed and hard working, but let’s not forget some of the warts.