Well it took 15 years but I finally received an invitation to visit and talk at UNT’s College of Information. I enjoyed a splendid afternoon of discussion with the assembled doctoral students and faculty who were having a research day to kick of the new semester. The college is an amalgamation of what was the School of LIS, now renamed the Dept of Information Science, the Dept of Learning Technologies and the Dept. of Linguistics. Very interesting model here and the potential for collaborative work across some traditional boundaries seems high. Plenty of enthusiasm among the student body too and new leadership in Dean Kinshuk, though few faculty seemed to be about on this Friday. Denton has some charms too in the downtown square where their famous music school’s presence is felt in the live shows. I am particularly grateful for the wonderful hospitality of my host, Dr. Suliman Hawamdeh. Hoping to build stronger ties from here.