How to be a keynote speaker (or marquee personality!)

Actually, you don’t have to do much, just wait around and get invited by the predatory junk conference organizers. Apparently I’m considered a live prospect to serve as the keynote at a forthcoming Nanomaterials conference. Who knew? Not me….but take a look at this very personal and touching invitation:

Dear  ,

Warm Wishes!

As Conference Executive Director, it is my great pleasure to invite you as a Plenary Speaker to the International conference and Expo
on Nanotechnology & Nanomaterial’s (Nano 2019), held in Osaka,
Japan on 14-15 November 2019.

Nano 2019 sessions include both marquee personalities and topical
experts to set the tone for the meeting and underscore the theme
of Conference. Keynote and Plenary session include four to six
individuals who each present a talk and then participate in a question/answer session. Post-talk panel sessions have also been successfully used to help speakers interact with the audience and with each other on a broad range of issues.

Nano 2019 Scientific Program:

I am honoured to steward this broad based conference, and I am filled with optimism about what we can achieve in collaboration, partnershiptogether, we are changing Research and Development and ultimately, the world. With anticipation, curiosity and pride, I look forward to joining you as we embark on our journey together. 

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