Spam to Phoenix

The blog has been compromised recently -I’ll spare you the details but if you were getting the spam, you probably know. The price of blogging is (apparently) eternal vigilance, so no wonder Wired recently declared the medium dead. But it’s been quiet in Info world too, unless you figure that US News and World Reports is conducting another ranking exercise. Despite the apparent anonymity of the process, the organizers wrote to me twice telling me the they had not received my rankings and would I please do it! I hope this means that when they get reviews, they can factor out the self-rankings since each program can rank itself. And you wonder why people take these ranks so seriously?

Speaking of rankings, here’s a new one for the most literate cities in the US. You can break the data down by category to explore the various facets of literacy, and you may be surprised to learn that Plano TX has the most educated adult population in the country, apparently, while libraries seem to thrive in Ohio.

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