Roy Mersky – the law west of everywhere

I can hardly bear to write that Roy Mersky, perhaps the best known legal librarian in the country, is at this moment close to the end of his life. Roy, the Tarlton Law Librarian here at UT has been an incredible force in the education and career advancement of many influential legal scholars and a staunch supporter of our school’s development over the last five years. Roy, the Law West of Townes Hall, was a pioneer in the area of legal information access, a human rights activist, a bon-vivant, a storyteller, an outspoken critic of mediocrity, a demanding leader but a passionate defender of his staff and just about the best fun at a party you could ever hope to meet. There are hundreds of stories one could tell of his sharp wit (and sharper tongue) but I will never forget his telling me that if we wanted to create a leading national program in legal information, all we had to do was start one! To help me do this, he invited to UT dozens of the leading law librarians and legal informatics researchers (at their own expense) for a workshop where they provided me with input, curricular ideas and advice. That everyone he asked responded positively to his invitation spoke volumes of the man’s impact on others’ lives. I have no direct way of communicating to Roy, in his final hours tonight, the sadness felt by many at our school but Roy Mersky was cut from very special cloth and we’ll not see the likes of him again. Farewell Roy, and thank you — what a life!

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