Facebook violations continue

Oh, those wacky folks at Facebook just can’t help themselves can they?  The Guardian reports that after investigations by the  Information Commissioners Office, the company has been found guilty of allowing over a million users’ personal data to be harvested by third-parties. And sadly, under current UK law, they can only be fined this amount, when new regulations would enable a far more severe level of punishment. Drop in the ocean to FB though, who I am sure will sing their favorite song again about how sorry they are and intend to do better….time for a new tune Marky. Full story here

Interview with the Daily Texan about Facebook

The Texan asked me about the current Facebook leak and I gave them my honest assessment. They only reported a small part of our conversation, and you can read it here. What they left out were my comments about the so-called apologies and the PR spin put out by the Facebook leadership about ‘doing better’. We’ve heard this from Facebook for a decade. They always apologize after the fact and promise to do better. This is why we need proper regulation, business cannot be relied on self-police, money and profit always take priority. How many businesses have mission statements that speak in lofty terms about ‘adding value’ to the world, or ’empowering people to do more’  – it’s as if they are charities or educational institutions, not corporate profit seekers. Facebook’s mission is to ‘bring the world closer together’….right…I think they left off the final clause of the sentence  that says ‘so that we can exploit these close connections for money’. We do realize that this is their real mission, right?

Of course, the latest scandal will have little impact other than embarrassing some folks, I doubt many people will give up using FB. When asked why, I liken social media and privacy loss to fast food. We know it’s not good for us but we eat it anyway. We also had to learn over many years that diet and nutrition have to be worked on….privacy is the same, it will take most people time to learn that personal information space needs to be nourished too, and it takes effort. Meanwhile the MacDonalds of the internet will keep pretending to be good for us while saving the planet too.



Facebook a force for good?

As tech companies are increasingly exposed for their exploitative practices and willful abuse of users’ privacy rights, no doubt we’ll hear lots of apologies and suggestions for ‘how we will do it better’. Does anyone believe this? When you, the user, are the product, there is no really better way. Your data, your behavior, your interactions are the business and no amount of window-dressing or option boxes will change this.

But while all eyes now are on Facebook and the like, you can expect a few noises from Business schools and Engineering colleges about the need to teach ethics. Yeah right, more window-dressing by academic programs that have placed higher premiums on fundraising and PR than on doing the right thing. Education is becoming an extension of business and it’s getting harder and harder to break the profit drive.