If you spend $300m on a new public library you must care, right?

My colleague Phil Doty just pointed me to an interesting article in the Financial Times describing the new public library built in Birmingham, England, one of many such new libraries popping up in major cities around the globe. One important aspect that is discussed here is the willingness of municipalities to invest heavily in such constructions even as the basic public library infrastructure of a nation is crumbling. Britain has made a wave of cuts to their library system in recent years and the data suggest visits and circulation are in decline. The language is telling. New construction is justified in terms of the value of safe public space, education, and related important values of investing in a community even as the ironwork facing for this new architectural wonder, intended to celebrate the city’s traditional skills, has been outsourced to Germany.

One of the leaders in this new project speaks eloquently of the need to move libraries on from a transaction function of finding information and borrowing books to one of education. “The transactional function is withering as there are now so many more media than just the book” he says. Wonderful as that sounds, it tends to jar a little with reality and with the expenditure on new buildings in other cities which seem to emphasize a role for the library in cultural records management more than education, though of course these boundaries are blurred. One wonders if the building program is a boon to architects and the construction industry more than the outcome of any real effort at improving cultural life.

It is worth comparing this articule with “How Low can our book budgets go?” in this month’s LJ by Steve Coffman. The data he presents from the US are quite telling: Public libraries spend 11.4% of their funds on their collection, the lowest level seen on record. And this at a time when book sales in general have been increasing. Public libraries account for only 1.31% of the market in new books, which renders the threats often made to publishers to pay attention to libraries seem hollow. He also points out that despite the growth in the book sales, public library circulation rates are declining, countered only by an increasing usage of DVDs, audiobooks, and games (31% of all checkouts were for videos of one form or another in 2010). Coffman argues that we have real problem (OK, Steve writes provocative pieces all the time but he makes good points), and that diverting money from primary collection building means that libraries are less able to deliver on their primary mission, which might or might not be education but it sure ain’t competing with Netflix.

This is an important topic and one that is not helped by rhetorical flourishes about paradigm shifts from transactions to transformations. Even as the ALA Annual Reports encourage us to believe that more and more people visit libraries regularly, their own data points suggest there has been a significant drop in recent years (in 2008, 76% of respondents claimed to have visited a library in the past year, but in the most recent survey last year, this rate had dropped to 53%, and this leaves out the worry that any question of this kind carries a certain social desirability bias that inflates the answers). Perhaps we are moving to a period of libraries now being great statements of municipal pride, with elaborate new buildings and plentiful architectural awards but little real effort being placed on funding the kind of services that led to the creation of the public library in the first instance. Perhaps the only new part of this is the belief in creating the great statement, so one might be grateful.

The depressed librarians

For reasons I cannot easily explain, I found myself browsing the archive of poll results on Library Journal’s site this week. I also found myself fighting the irritating pop-up ads for AARP which cover the data and cannot be easily dismissed but that’s another matter. If there is a more negative set of responses out there on the future of libraries, I’ve not had the misfortune to find it. These polls are weekly snapshots of readers’ responses to rather pointed questions (and one might argue that the very framing of the questions reveals their bias but a that’s also another matter). Try these results:

The Future is bleak:
93% believe the next 10 years look less promising than before for the profession of librarian.
70% believe their libraries’ commitment to intellectual freedom is diminishing even when 81% believe the need for public libraries to protect intellectual freedom is increasing.
55% believe more fee-based services are in their future, 44% believe the library’s place in the market is eroding.

Who’s to blame? Round up the usual suspects:

Prime suspects: the LIS educators! 93% think that LIS schools are focusing on the wrong things (I won’t rest until we get that up to 100% 🙂

But it’s not just LIS schools’ fault, it’s those incompetent administrators and and stuffy old boards:

86% believe the staff are more concerned with the future than the administration
87% believe the library trustees fail to raise the visibility of the library in the community, and have no political clout, even as 71.4% of respondents believe their library board is becoming older and more political! 57% feel there is no common understanding between staff and boards on the library’s direction anyhow.

But wait, what about the public? Surely they still love and respect us?
Yes, it’s just turning the love into dollars that is a problem. 57% believe voter support for libraries is increasing even if 48% feel public support for libraries is eroding. I suppose the public is not always the same as the voters, must be all those super delegates that love libraries.

Could it be that libraries are not addressing community problems? 77% believe this is a real problem. No wonder since 40% think the library does not even understand the community agenda, despite those old politicos on the boards.

Fear not though, 52% believe their library does measure its impact on the community. What exactly is being measured or learned from this is hard to guess if one doesn’t understand the community’s agenda but hey, impact is impact right?

Will it change? Libraries are failing to groom new leaders according to 65% of respondents and the majority feel there are not enough staff recognition award programs (see a trend here?) but there is a bright spot: 65% report that their libraries are beginning to promote extroverts! Since extroverts supposedly suffer less depression than introverts, this sounds like a winning strategy — give the person who came up with this idea an award!

Of course, none of the survey items ask if these respondents are the cause or the recipients of the problem, but what do you expect when those terrible LIS programs never taught anyone about good survey design. Pass the happy juice.

CLIR workshop on Future of Academic Libraries

Am just back from a very interesting workshop at CLIR where a group of about 20 people discussed the future of academic libraries, launching the discussion with a set of prepared essays from eight of us. Too much was discussed across the day to cover here, and there will be a summary of the event produced by CLIR, but here’s some of what I took away:

1) All academic libraries are facing tremendous change and there is concern with the role and mission of such entities in a world where the myths of everything being available on the web drive the understandings of university administrations and students.

2) While everything will likely be digitized in a decade or so, the provision and preservation of high quality curated collections remains a great unknown. The question of controlling the preserved collection (in house or outsourced?) was thought to be crucial to ensuring longevity of access and quality.

3) The staff needed for the transformations and challenges ahead are not likely to be supplied by typical ALA-accredited programs — indeed a show of hands among the library directors in attendance suggested that none thought the accreditated degree mattered when seeking intelligent and able employees for academic libraries.

4) The Library as Laboratory metaphor was used to convey how academic libraries might better fit with the mission of the 21st century university. This points to the library partnering with faculty and academic computing on experimental projects aimed at delivering cutting-edge services to the academic community. Yes, the term ‘libratory’ was coined (mea culpa, but I could not resist).

5) Better determining the boundaries and possibilities of relationships with the commercial sector (this was a contentious one)

6) The need for collective action (more than collaboration) was deemed vital, meaning that several leading academic libraries would need to find constructive ways of working serioulsy together on more than isolated projects to advance the concerns of academic libraries going forward.

7) Libraries are caught up too much in concerns with products when they should be concerned with processes. For example, there is the danger that emphases on repositories will result in a new emphasis on this as a ‘collection’ instead of on the act of curating digital resources into the future. Our own discussions of the process often seemed to end up with products, emphasizing the difficulties we all face in breaking out of this track.

There was much more and Chuck Henry and colleagues are to be congratulated on facilitating this event. I learned a lot but was also delighted to find so many like-minded people seeing the same problems and opportunities. More to follow, surely.

Academic Library futures (redux)

I am working on a paper for CLIR that speculates (briefly) on the future of academic libraries. It will form one part of a six-paper presentation for them that aims to stimulate discussion. This has me examining many of the assumptions we make about these libraries and it is obvious many people are thinking similarly. I was pointed towards the Taiga Forum who issued in 2006 a set of ‘provocative statements’ about the future of academic libraries (no longer accessible from their site), and provocative they are e.g., that within five years (i.e., by 2011) we shall witness the following:

– a 50% reduction in the physical size of collections in libraries
– the merger of academic computing and libraries
– no more librarians as we know them (and the new average age to be 28!)
– no more library web sites as we know them (can you resist saying “thank goodness”? Clearly I can’t)

Given that most academic libraries are in universities, I would not get too concerned at the pace of change but the ideas are certainly intriguing. I tend to view libraries more through the lens of socio-technical theory, which makes me view the ongoing shifts as an essential tension between technological advances and social forces that pull, mould, shape and modify these advances in multiple directions at the same time. Given the law of unintended consequences that applies to all new technologies, prediction is a bit of a mug’s game but we can be sure that the basic human drives and interests won’t shift radically in the short term. The purpose of that information space we term ‘academic library’ is not questioned as much as revealed by this tension; the view of libraries as central storehouses of approved documents is already overshadowed by the library as research space and technology hub, though one might not recognize this so easily in the curriculum. But repositorial concerns are born anew in the digital era of resource aggregation and distributed research work. No, it’s not old wine in new bottles, as the cynics would have us believe; there are genuinely new problems for which we have some limited guides from historical practices, but the challenges ahead are great. It seems the people who bemoan these changes and who seek to maintain the academic library as it was, are the people who usually don’t use one for research.

One last provocative statement from Tiaga: “all information discovery (by 2011) will begin at Google, including discovery of library resources”. Must have sounded radical last year, it’s probably true enough by now.


Citizendium launches

A competitor to Wikipedia has been officially launched this week (though it’s been around for a while): Citizendium, a somewhat rough looking ‘citizens compendium of everything’ promises to be loosely controlled and edited, and to offer ‘gentle oversight’ that improves on Wikipedia. You can check it out at http://www.citizendium.org/ but will need to sign up to really view it. I had a few wrinkles doing so with Safari on my Mac but did so eventually and chose the random page option to get a feel for it. I was taken to an entry, as luck would have it, on Sean O Casey, the Irish writer which admitted at the end that this article “was originally based on, and may contain material from, the Wikipedia entry with this title”. Of course I had to try that out and found that is certainly was based on it. In fact, it was it, practically word for word with only minor editing and minus the image. Further reading reveals a decision to fork Wikipedia articles for Citizendium but this is now under review and as the discussion surrounding the resource indicates, there is currently an experiment ongoing to unfork all these articlees to encourage new, original versions from people. This makes Citizendium a real-time experiment in human behavior in information space. It will make for interesting viewing.

Wikipedia v Britannica

Wall St. Journal Online edition presented an interesting exchange this week between wikipedia founder Jummy Wales and Britannica’s editor in chief, Dale Hoiberg (http://tinyurl.com/jxe33). Since Nature published a study indicating that the accuracy of entries on Wikipedia was comparable to Britannica, traditionalists have been quick to find fault with the study or point to clear errors in Wikipedia, but this is no simple argument. The reported discussion certainly paints Wikipedia as the brave new entrant come to break the monopoly on ‘facts’ and some of Hoiberg’s comments are a little defensive but I think most of us agree we don’t want a mass of inaccurate and biased entries passed off as reliable (we get enough of that on TV). The Nature study asked experts to judge various entries without knowing from which source they came, and the results indicated an average of 4 errors per entry in Wikipedia to 3 errors per entry in Brittanica. The main point here is these rates are so comparable, though without looking at the type of errors found you might be forgiven for wondering why Britannica is so respected if each entry has that many errors. Nature released data showing the type of errors found and these include judgements of ‘overstatement’ or ‘too short’ as well as lack of clarity, failure to include certain works in a bibliography, and a mispelling of a place name (using an ‘e’ instead of an ‘a’). In fact, Nature concluded there were only 8 serious errors reported, and these were equally divided, four each in Wikipedia and Britannica.

A key argument made by Wales is that Wikipedia really builds on the openness principle: all can contribute through entries or corrections, and the result is likely to be more representative than the invitation-only contributions of Britannica. Since entrants to Wikipedia have to be motivated to contribute (have you?) there is certainly potential for mischief but Wales talks of moving to semi-protected and even editable ‘ nonvandalized’ versions to improve quality. And the proof is in the pudding, as they say. He likens publishing entries that are still being edited to Britannica’s revealing the in-draft versions of new entries which they won’t do of course (though there’s probably a collector somewhere who would pay for those).

In sum, arguments that authority must be maintained or chaos will ensue in the information world seem to be far less convincing than they once were. Maybe a little authority goes a long way. Stay tuned.

Future of academic libraries symposium

I attended a closed-shop symposium at UT this week on the future of the academic library (http://www.utexas.edu/president/symposium/index.html). The two opening addresses, by James Duderstadt, former President of the University of Michigan) and Clifford Lynch (of CNI) were models of insightful, powerpoint-free talks that took us through a range of future scenarios (definitely plural!) suggesting major challenges ahead. Duderstadt pointed to the growing need for libraries as learning spaces, not as repositories, and made a case for a world of life-long learners who would engage with universities remotely and repeatedly. I was a little concerned about the presentation of dramatic scenarios for a new cyberinfrastructure of open access without clear examples of real human activities that we could consider, the talk certainly raised the collective sights of the attendees. Clifford Lynch noted specifically that the humanities have thoroughly embraced digital technologies, with new research enabled through text mining, remote access to collections and e-publishing, but he argued convincingly that easy predictions of what lies ahead for scholarship in the digital realm are inevitably wrong.

With only 60 attendees present it was easy to engage and lively discussions were common. I chaired a panel consisting of Dan Connolly (of W3C), Kevin Guthrie (Ithaka) and Alice Proschaka (Yale) on the future of access and preservation which got the crowd going when Dan stated there was no real preservation problem since 95% of clicks on links resulted in the desired result, and Kevin argued that access suffered greater impermanence than preservation in the digital realm. Much depends on how you interpret these points, and we spent much time trying to clarify just what Dan was measuring, but he argued strongly that this is not the same as claiming 95% of sites are permanent, and indeed on the web there is a good reason why we might want and expect some sights to be very transient. The facts need to be established more clearly here and there is certainly a study waiting to happen.

The final session after 1.5 days was an open discussion which led to some interesting summary statements. While it is clear that no university or publisher has the answers, there is real concern that the world is changing and we are not ready. Personally, I think the missing piece is a better understanding of human behavior since scholarship, learning, education etc. reside at the human not the artifact or collection level. The media will always change, but the human need to communicate, share and engage with data can be undertood better and designed for accordingly.

One interesting side-discussion involved the fate of LIS education for this new world of open access, networked and aggregated, personal digital spaces. Jim Neal (Columbia) suggested that the current masters programs in LIS were not really meeting the needs of academic libraries, and this was interpreted by one attendee from another program as deeming them irrelevant (a charge Jim denied). Oddly, nobody here mentioned ‘crisis’, or a failure to teach cataloging as the problem, but the feeling seemed to be that the futures facing academic libraries will not be shaped by graduates of many current LIS programs. No comment from me required!

Update — audio files (mixed quality) of the symposium are available at: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/symposium/