LBJ School

Nothing Endures But Change

On behalf of the Baines Report, we would like to officially welcome our new leadership: Editor-in-Chief Francoise Van Keuren and Social Media Managing Editor Jesse Tow. Francoise is a first-year Master of Global Policy Studies candidate at the LBJ School interested in economic development, investment policy, and long strolls in Austin’s Greenbelt. She has already assumed the role of Editor-in-Chief and is currently working to increase readership by engaging other policy schools for content collaboration.

The re-launch of the Baines Report and a steady increase in content volume over the last year led to the creation of a new leadership position, Social Media Managing Editor. Jesse is a first-year Master of Public Affairs candidate at the LBJ School and #loves social media. In this role, he will be the voice behind our Facebook and Twitter pages.

As Co-Editors-in-Chief in 2013, we launched a new website, introduced a rolling submissions process, and embraced videocasts as a new form of media. We would like to thank our staff sponsor, Kerri Battles, LBJ School web guru, Lori Lacey, the members of the Baines Report, and student contributors for making our term a success.

Lastly, we would like to encourage students, alumni, and faculty to continue to support the Baines Report through content submissions. We invite op-ed and blog submissions as well as alternative types of media to contribute to policy debate. The Baines Report would love to work with authors seeking to publish: comics, photo essays, and videos. We thank you again for your support and look forward to the continued success of the Baines Report.

Love always,
Kaitlin Sharkey
Rob Wieczorek

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