LBJ STUDENTS: The Baines Report is offering a unique professional development opportunity to get your ideas out of the classroom and into the public with the possibility to win an American Express gift card! Submit a 750-word max Op-Ed piece on any topic to bainesreport@gmail.com by 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 14, 2019 for your chance to win.
Submissions will be blindly judged and scored by three LBJ faculty: Sherri Greenberg, Lorinc Redei, and Kate Weaver. Strong pieces have a clear and nuanced opinion, use compelling evidence, convincingly argue a point of view, and are free from error.
First and second place winners will receive $50 and $25 Amex gift cards, respectively, courtesy of The Baines Report and The LBJ School. The top 5 winners will have their pieces published to The Baines Report, allowing students to reach a wider audience with their policy ideas. Winners with pieces relevant to the state of Texas will also be given the opportunity to have their work published in the Texas Tribune (submissions must follow TribTalk guidelines).
We look forward to receiving your Op-Ed submissions soon! Look on our Facebook page for more information.