OP-ED CONTEST WITH CASH PRIZES! LBJ STUDENTS: The Baines Report is offering a unique professional development opportunity to get your ideas out of the classroom and into the public with the possibility to win an American Express gift card! Submit a 750-word max Op-Ed piece on any topic to bainesreport@gmail.com by 5 p.m. on Sunday, […]

LBJ School Multimedia

The Higher Court: Episode 2

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/303973646″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Photo: Rock, Paper, Scissors Read more about The Higher Court and the LBJ School students behind it at thehighercourt.org  

LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance

The Higher Court: A New Podcast From LBJ Students

Photo: Rock, Paper, Scissors The Higher Court is a weekly podcast from the 85th Legislature’s ultimate authority – the court of public opinion. Hosted by Estevan Delgado and Cynthia Van Maanen, produced by Jen Rice. All listeners are urged to run for office immediately. The Baines Report will be sharing the Higher Court’s episodes as soon […]

LBJ School

Nothing Endures But Change

On behalf of the Baines Report, we would like to officially welcome our new leadership: Editor-in-Chief Francoise Van Keuren and Social Media Managing Editor Jesse Tow. Francoise is a first-year Master of Global Policy Studies candidate at the LBJ School interested in economic development, investment policy, and long strolls in Austin’s Greenbelt. She has already […]

Our Re-launch Party

Join the Baines Report organization in celebrating our new and improved website!

Multimedia Politics and Governance

Season 4, Episode 4: “Policy, Politics And Political Values With Shirley Franklin”

Host Gene Vela talks with the incoming Barbara Jordan Visiting Professor of Ethics and Political Values and former two-term Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin. Mayor of Atlanta from 2002-2010 and the first African American woman elected to serve as mayor in a major southern city, Professor Franklin shares her insights about local politics and the balance […]

Health & Social Policy

2013 Barbara Jordan National Forum Schedule of Events

“See The Change: Pressing Towards Equality of Outcomes” “We are a people in search of a national community, attempting to fulfill our national purpose, to create and sustain a society in which all of us are equal…. We cannot improve on the system of government, handed down to us by the founders of the Republic, […]

Multimedia Politics and Governance

Policy Briefs Season 4, Episode 2: “City Council Elections And Propositions 3 And 4”

Host Andy Uhler talks with Austin City Council Member and LBJ School Professor Bill Spelman about Propositions 3 and 4, which aim to change how Austin chooses its City Council members. Austin currently elects seven city council members “at-large” to represent the entire City of Austin. This year, two propositions on the ballot attempt to […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Multimedia

Policy Briefs Season 4, Episode 1: “No Clear Path To Utopia”

Amid escalating and prolonged violence in Syria, the prospects for a diplomatic solution look dim. What should the U.S. do? Does America need to intervene? What is the path forward? Host Andy Uhler talks to Alan Kuperman, Associate Professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, who has published on ethnic conflict and U.S. military […]

Multimedia Politics and Governance

Policy Briefs Season 4, Episode 3: “Previewing Texas’ 83rd Legislative Session”

Host Gene Vela talks with the Director of the Center for Politics and Governance and LBJ School Professor Sherri Greenberg about several issues facing Texas’ 83rd Legislature. Texas legislators are debating a new budget that could include funding for water and transportation infrastructure, increasing Medicaid and public education funding, and other hot topics. Greenburg previews […]