Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations Technology Policy

Drones, Twitter, Data, and DJs: The New Face for Disaster Response

Imagine Hilary Clinton receiving her hypothetical “3am phone call” and entering the situation room as a horrific hurricane batters the Gulf Coast. While USAID assesses the damage in the Caribbean, FEMA needs immediate, reliable, and detailed information to identify domestic needs. Luckily, it’s 2016. Computer scientists have developed reliable tools to rapidly collect, interpret and transmit hyperlocal data. […]

Civil Rights Global Policy Studies & International Security Health & Social Policy LBJ School

Sexual Violence in Colombia and Around the World: The Invisible, Mute, and Exempt Crime

Photo Credit: Jose Huesca/EPA via The Guardian Second in a series by Marcelle Cohen (LBJ MGPS Student) covering her internship at La Allianza Iniciativa de Mujeres Colombianas por la Paz. Sexual violation, forced marriage, forced prostitution, sexual slavery, forced abortion, forced sterilization; the negation of reproductive rights to access anti-contraceptives or protection from sexually transmitted disease; genital […]

Education Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security

Evaluating Girls Educational Programs in Ghana

First in a series by Isabel Hovey (LBJ MGPS Student) covering her internship at Exponential Education. LBJ alum Helen Gradstein founded Exponential Education (Expo) as a community-based solution to educational gaps facing students in developing countries. Alongside her undergraduate professor, Dr. Kate, the two of them started Expo with 4 senior high school students and 15 junior […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School

The Longest War: Redefining the Colombian Peace Process from Bogotá

Photo Credit: First in a series by Marcelle Cohen (LBJ MGPS Student) covering her internship at La Allianza Iniciativa de Mujeres Colombianas por la Paz. I came to Colombia in late May, inspired by the peace process that a hopeful international press had promised would finally put an end to the world’s longest civil war.  The […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School

A New Rural Development Framework for the 21st Century

First in a series by Beatrice Halbach (LBJ MPAff Student) covering her internship at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In the past several decades a number of countries developed extremely rapidly, completing processes of industrialization, urbanization, and social transformation in 20 or 30 years. Comparable change took centuries in today’s developed countries. China is the most vivid example […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

A Prisoner’s Dilemma: Why Spain and Portugal Won’t Support Greece

The Eurocrisis forced Spain and Portugal, like Greece, to ask Europe for financial support. In return, by mandate from their creditors these countries implemented budget cuts and unpopular structural reforms. As a consequence of these austerity measures, one out of two young people in Spain and Greece is unemployed; in Portugal, this number is nearly […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security

A Foreign Policy Election

Originally published by the Weekly Standard. Exit polls from last week’s midterm elections challenged the conventional “it’s the economy, stupid” wisdom, as the number of voters who said the economy was the most important issue fell to just four in 10. The dark horse issue of the 2014 election was foreign policy. Our experience campaigning […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security

Why Support the Syrian Rebels?

President Obama’s current strategy in Syria, to arm and train moderate rebels and execute airstrikes on the Islamic State, is problematic. The U.S. will have difficulty stabilizing Syria because the Syrian Civil War is a fractured hotbed of violent extremism and radical ideology. Instead, the U.S. must seek a threefold approach of militarily attacking the […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Politics and Governance

Former Director of Israeli Mossad Interrupted by Protesters During UT Lecture

Meir Dagan, the former Director-General of the Israeli Mossad, gave a lecture at the LBJ School on October 14 that was ultimately remarkable not for its content, but rather the reaction it produced. Literally translated to “The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations”, the Mossad is the Israeli organization responsible for national intelligence collection and […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School

Sectarianism in the Middle East: Neither Inevitable nor Permanent

The emergence of sectarianism in the Middle East is a modern historical problem. That was the message of Dr. Ussama Makdisi, Professor of History from Rice University, in his October 2 lecture at the LBJ School. Only by evaluating sectarianism as a complex historical development, Makdisi argues, can we hope to move beyond repeated failed […]