Politics and Governance

The U.S. Presidential Primary and the Convention

Photo: U.S. News/AP/Reuters/Gary Cameron/Joe Skipper/Jose Luis Magana The American political primary is in full swing, but this is an unusual year. Sen. Marco Rubio is planning for a brokered convention. The media is counting super delegates. Political scientists seem to be losing faith in their carefully built models. What is going on? The answer to that […]

Energy & Environmental Policy LBJ School Politics and Governance

“This Changes Everything”: Naomi Klein on the Intersection of Climate Change and Economics                

Photo Credit: Lynne Foster On October 11, 2015, Canadian journalist and activist Naomi Klein spoke at the LBJ School of Public Affairs about the connection between environmentalism and economic struggles around the world.  During the previous evening UT-Austin hosted two screenings of the documentary “This Changes Everything”, a film directed by Klein’s husband Avi Lewis, which […]

Civil Rights LBJ School Politics and Governance

A Look at “The Guy with the Knife”: Is the Texas Criminal Justice System too Easily Manipulated?

Photo: Jon Buice behind prison glass The LBJ School of Public Affairs’ Center for Health and Social Policy (CHASP) recently collaborated with the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law at the UT Law School and the LBJ School’s Harvey Milk Society to present a screening of the film “The Guy with the Knife.” The […]

Economics & Trade Policy Politics and Governance

Why the Debt Ceiling is Bad Fiscal Policy

Imagine a federal policy so redundant, so archaic, and so inefficient that it fails to accomplish and even obstructs its intended objective. Now, not only is this policy an inhibition to proper governance, it frequently serves as a stage for theatrical performances from hardline politicians while threatening the historically rock solid foundation of American fiscal […]

Economics & Trade Policy LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance

From the National Bank of Argentina: Delfina Rossi Talks About Her Appointment, Argentinian Elections

Last year, Delfina Rossi was a first year student at the LBJ School of Public Affairs. She came to the program with a Masters in Economics from the European University Institute, and previous work experience in the European Parliament. After finishing her first year at the LBJ School, Delfina accepted an appointment from the President […]

Energy & Environmental Policy Politics and Governance University of Texas at Austin

The Fight Over the Climate

Photo Credit: The Texas Tribune The most intriguing panel discussion I attended at the Texas Tribune Festival this year was called “The Fight Over the Climate.” There were a total of six panelists: Dr. Andrew Dessler, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University; James Marston, VP for U.S. Climate and Energy at the Environmental […]

Civil Rights Health & Social Policy Politics and Governance

Legislators Discuss Guns and Police Conduct at the Texas Tribune Festival

Photo Credit: The Texas Tribune The Texas Tribune Festival’s panel on “Justice and the Legislature” featured a Texas state representatives with a diversity of opinions on topics including gun control and police violence against citizens. On the recent passage of open carry laws and the expansion of concealed carry, Matt Shaheen (R-Plano) was blunt in […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Immigration Policy Politics and Governance

Divided Union: Europe, Refugee Crisis, and the Need for Solidarity

Photo Credit: Huck Magazine Over half a century ago, Berlin’s Tempelhof Airport was at the center of the Berlin Airlift, a U.S.-led effort to supply the western half of the city when the Soviets tried unsuccessfully to cut it off from West Germany. The airport, now closed and converted into a public park, recently served as […]

Health & Social Policy Politics and Governance

Consumer Protection in Healthcare is the Next Wave After King v. Burwell

The partisan divide on many aspects of healthcare reform is often obvious, particularly in Texas. This was yet again on clear display during the October 17 panel “After King v. Burwell, Now What?” at the fifth annual Texas Tribune Festival. And yet, even as panelists engaged in predictable topics of debate, some signs of bipartisanship […]

Politics and Governance

The Great Texas Land Grab: Municipal Annexation and the “Right” to Decide Where You Live

Back in August, I attended a Policy Primer titled “The Great Texas Land Grab” hosted by the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF). The majestic offices were appropriate for a group that can (through its affiliation with the State Policy Network) trace a significant portion of its funding to the Koch brothers. There were three panelists […]

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