Global Global Policy Studies & International Security

Rearming A Forbidden Military: Japan’s Self-Defense Force & Constitutional Revisions

With a record $47bn defense budget, a total order of 150 F-35s coupled with the first aircraft carriers since 1945, and a House of Counsillors election in July, 2019 will be a busy year for Prime Minister Abe and his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). These enhancements to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (SDF), a military organization […]

Global Global Policy Studies & International Security

Lt. Gen. Sean MacFarland: the Campaign to Defeat ISIS

Featured Photo: Callie Richmond On Jan. 30, 2018, the LBJ School of Public Affairs welcomed U.S. Army Lieutenant General Sean MacFarland. His talk was part of the Dean’s Distinguished Leaders Series, which brings the best and brightest of the public world straight to LBJ. MacFarland, a three-star general slated to retire soon, spoke about his […]

Global Global Policy Studies & International Security

Japan’s Snap Election: Pacifism and the North Korean Threat

Photo: Pexels (CC) On October 22 Japan will hold a snap election, over a year in advance of the regularly scheduled date, December 2018. This decision, made by current Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, has been met with mixed reactions at home and abroad. Abe’s potential motives are being debated, but several factors may play […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

US-Mexico Relations in the Trump Era—Where Do We Go From Here?

Photo: Reuters/Henry Romero In my class with the Strauss Center’s Mexico Security Initiative[1], my classmates and I are fine-tuning our policy report for the upcoming 2018 Mexican elections.  Set against the backdrop of brutal crime and cartel violence, our project focuses on strategies for the next Mexican administration regarding several key policy arenas—economic, security, civil society, […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Multimedia Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations

Podcast Interview with New Strauss Center Director Bobby Chesney

Host Andy Uhler interviews the incoming director of the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law, UT Law professor Bobby Chesney. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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