Politics and Governance

Men Without Chests: Reflections on the Death of a Great Hero and the America he Loved

In his book The Abolition of Man, the great British thinker C.S. Lewis contemplates the demise of universal values and moral leadership. From a young age, children are taught that only objective reality is universal, Lewis writes. The dismissal of a common standard of morality results in a society led by individuals with “heads no […]

Politics and Governance

America Needs More Extremists: Confronting the Myth of Political Polarization

The argument that America is in the stranglehold of widening, bitter political battles has become so prevalent that it is widely accepted as true. The problem, however, is that it’s not. Senate Democrats complained that President Obama’s appointments were being blocked by an “obstructionist” Republican minority- even though only 4 out of 1,560 Obama appointees […]

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