Global Global Policy Studies & International Security Technology Policy

Open for Innovation: The Growth of Social Entrepreneurialism in Uganda

Photo: Rachel Strohm (CC) This past summer, I had the good fortune to attend the LeoAfrica Economic Forum, a one-day conference dedicated to chronicling disruptive growth and development innovations in Africa. The event featured panelists and organizations from all segments of the innovation space in Africa and played host to a series of talks about […]

Technology Policy

We the Gamers

“Video games matter.” I have lost track how many times I’ve said that. It is not that I am trying to justify my interests; anyone who pays attention to social trends will notice that digital games are more prolific every year… as are debates about their influences. I make that statement, because they matter in […]

Energy & Environmental Policy Technology Policy

Clean Tech’s Real Solyndra

The iconic image for the debate on climate change over the last decade has not been footage of glacial ice tumbling into the arctic sea or the cover of An Inconvenient Truth (2006). It is the climate forecast PowerPoint, crisscrossed with variable lines, demonstrating the empirical case for any number of global outcomes. The graph […]

Technology Policy

Keep Your Hands Off My Privacy

Two recent events – one in the public sector, one in the private sector – have helped to engage millions of Americans in a debate on privacy rights and information security: the debate over SOPA & Facebook employer hacking. These actions have led to robust debates, not just about what we as individuals can reasonably […]

Technology Policy

FCC Ruling on Wireless Service Could Set a Dangerous Precedent

On Friday, the Federal Communications Commission asked for public comment on whether police or a public agency should be able to shut down cellphone and internet service to protect public safety.  The issue came to the FCC’s attention after the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) turned off cellphone service for three hours […]

Technology Policy

Information is the Product; Outreach is Our Defense

In the aftermath of Google’s recent announcement of changes to its privacy policy, the media has been abuzz about personal security online. A Wall Street Journal investigative series entitled “What They Know” had the same effect in April 2010 when it reported that the 50 most popular U.S. websites installed an average of 64 pieces […]

Technology Policy

Broadband – Public Infrastructure for U.S. Competitiveness

Twenty-second in average speed. Sixth in penetration. These statistics are the rankings of the broadband services in the United States compared to other countries around the world, according to Akamai’s most recent report. Surprised? Most Americans have adopted the mentality that the United States has been and will always be the world leader. But when […]

Technology Policy

A Brewing Storm over the Internet

As another hurricane season brews off our coasts, a storm of another kind is brewing in the halls of Congress over how the Internet should be regulated. The concept of “network neutrality” may be cloudy, but the implications are clear: Unnecessary restrictions on those that invest in the development of our nation’s high speed networks […]

Technology Policy

Make Net Neutrality a Reality

After numerous deaths in committee, failed amendments and missed opportunities, network neutrality is returning to the foreground as a key priority of President-elect Barack Obama's technology agenda. Senators Byron Dorgan and Olympia Snowe have also stated their intention to reintroduce legislation on the issue. With a new administration and a new Congress, the time has […]

Technology Policy

Are We Ready? The Switch to Digital Television

U.S. technology infrastructure will take a giant leap forward this February when the congressionally mandated conversion to all-digital television broadcasting takes effect. But there is disagreement over consumer and industry preparedness for the upcoming deadline. How many will be left with a blank TV screen come February? There are many key players investing time and […]

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